why are my ducks fighting with each other?

My one girl was super irritable while molting this year. Pulling feathers out of the other girls, grabbing the drakes and dragging them around, and just being overall miserable. She’s improved now that she’s all finished.
also, mating behaviour is not always about procreation - sometimes it’s a dominance thing. 🤷🏼‍♀️
It could be. It does sound like it’s breeding though, otherwise I don’t know why the males are doing that to the females. The females are probably dominating and the males are probably trying to breed.
They are fighting from the front not the back though...
Sound like breeding. I have no idea why the females are fighting though.
Hey, apparently I have two males (curled tail feathers) And the past month they started fighting...grabbing neck, head...and anything but mostly the oil gland area (on the but) and trying to “mount each other” ???? I’m not sure what to do cuz i thought the curled tail was boys but why is the one tryin to mount the other??? It just seems to be getting so violent so I would love some advice!

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