Why is my broody bantam flying at me?


7 Years
My little Goldie has been broody for almost 3 weeks. She rarely comes out of the nest when I open the coop door for free ranging, but when she does she flies at me or runs at me like she is trying to chase me away. This is my girl. She has always been sweet, friendly and docile. I don't understand. She has gotten so skinny, so I have been giving her food and water in her nest because I'm so worried about her but now it's like she has turned agressive toward me. Why would she behave this way?
Don't take it too personally, its the broody hormones. Some broody hens just puff up when touched, but I have had others make a big fuss and peck one did get out of the nest and puff up and run at my legs.

I tend to take my broodies off the nest once a day to make sure they eat and drink. If you try that with her, you might want to wear gloves. After 3 weeks you might consider breaking her brooding by putting her in a pet carrier with food and water.
Sounds pretty normal. I've watched some intense video clips of broodies having a go at people! She probably isn't eating much while she's there, pull her off every day so she doesn't go hungry, like scratch'n'peck said, and so she can have a bit of a wander around, scratch, get her feathers clean, etc.
I successfully took Goldie out of her nest today. Blocked off her nest and made sure she got a good drink and got to eat. I had to keep my Barred Rock away from her due to bullying, but Goldie did well and didn't attempt to fly at me or run me off, so I guess we did well today. I'm hoping we will have chicks come Monday. I'll keep everyone posted!

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