Wide stance/enlarged hips

I have made a hobble for a gosling last year that couldn’t get up or walk at all-kept falling onto his back. I was able to fix that for him but he also had other problems. This gosling that I am trying to help is more bowlegged and a little pigeon toed but is able to get up and walk but just slightly awkward. This situation was not noticeable until about 3 weeks or so ago. I’ve thought of hobbling him but worry if I it would be doing him more harm than good. It still doesn’t fix his enlarged hip areas which the vet had called a developmental issue. (She didn’t go into detail) I’m giving him vit b complex to treat as a deficiency.
Did you try hobbling?
Sadly I have not yet. Had too much going on and kept getting distracted. Will do now. I will send update.
Quick question-with them being bigger birds now how long would I do this hobble for to notice if it’s doing any good? A week or so? The only thing I really see this doing for him would be to straighten his legs out a little.
Even if you could straighten his legs out a little that would help him. I hobbled my pekin when she was about 3 weeks old and left them on for maybe three weeks (of course I replaced them several times). I used a small piece of vet wrap and made a loop around each leg, then made a larger loop of vet wrap connecting both legs and holding them in the proper position. here is a video of my duck walking with the hobbles after she got stronger.

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