Will chickens help my depression?

Hey John - take care of yourself and try to just get outside and breathe in the fresh air. That helps me so much. Holding a fid (feathered kid) helps me no matter what is happening in my life. I am dealing with a husband with PTSD and continued ups and downs in moods. I have had depression for all my life - took meds for many years for it and tried some counseling but my animals help me more than anything else. My husband is in counseling with the VA, but he says he doesn't know what good it will do. I am making him keep trying but it does aggravate me when he won't try harder. So, even though we have arctic temperatures here right now, and I hate cold, I make him stay in the house and I go out and do chores by myself. My Jabbers hen gets in my face and demands I hold her and my blood pressure levels out, my breathing lowers and my mind clears. Fids are very good therapy for me! Good luck and keep talking to people who understand! Just don't do anything quick or brash. Relax and calm your breathing.....Good luck!
Thank you, and I truely am sorry if I am adding to anyone elses already poor mental health, I dont mean to. When I asked my doctor a week ago about the delay in getting further help, he asked me if I was Bypolar. I mean, what a thing to ask me. He really is rubbish and I once my new referal comes through I will change GP.

I am taking my wife for a walk on the beach in a few minutes. We are going to collect shells and grit for the chickens.
Now, now, don't you go guilt-tripping yourself over us - do you hear me? We are reading and posting because we want to encourage you; it's a burden we choose to share. Sort of an impromptu internet support group . . . .
Ok, I'm done scolding. We are on this thread because we care.

You shouldn't have to choose between your family and your spouse, and it doesn't sound to me like she really wants you to. Sounds to me like there's a little problem with communication in your house, but that's not at all unusual - it happens at our house all the time. I can't count the number of times my husband has said, "you think" or "you said" and I've been like, "where did this come from? I've never said anything even remotely like that!"

I know when I'm "down" it can seem like my thoughts are like marbles in a funnel - they may start off with a lot of speed running around the top, but they all seem to spiral down toward that same hole in the middle. You need to recognize that hole for the mental trap that it is, and refuse to surrender to it. Don't beat yourself up for going there, either - it's part of the depression. While I can see that your wife might be afraid to leave you alone with the thoughts in your head, 24/7 togetherness can be suffocating. Hopefully, you can come up with a compromise that makes everyone happy.

Walks on the beach sound good . . . .
John.....we are all friends here....we are here to help one.another. Depression.runs in my family. ..in many forms.. I'm no doc....just suggestioning things that have helped in the past. Being surrounded by people who love you and support you.are the most.important.... Find joy in little things. Enjoy the time you now have with your girls.....don't.dwell.to much onthe past. ..I know...that's hard for us...lol.. a walk on the.beach sounds nice.....you guys need it..
Glad you are sticking up for yourself with the docs.....don't let them put you off. We all here just send best wishes
You lot are great, thanks. I will do my best to keep a clear head and not drift.

We collected a load of shells and I dropped them in our little stream in a small pool. The water runs steady so by morning the shells should be salt free and I will crush them and add them to their grit hopper. Stronger eggs and all that.

Anyway, my wife and I are settled in for the night and we are going to watch a movie and have an early night.

Thanks again
We are on this thread because we care.
and I think your wife is around because she cares a lot too. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater on this one. And your wife would be the baby in this analogy ;) There's always another way solution. Be creative in your way to solve a problem. It probably feels like you're stuck between your ex, not seeing your daughters, and being stifled at home, but there are very few hard-and-fast rules in this world that can't be worked around with a little creative planning.
I want to post something which may offend someone, but I feel it's an important idea. When I was in therapy, my therapist introduced a perspective which mightily startled me.

"Thats an example of Grandiose Thinking, Linda. Oh, I'm the worst piece of crap in the entire world... How grandiose of you to think that!"

My low feelings fed this. It helped to hear I was scaring myself with non-specific Worst Case Scenarios. She also introduced the concept of living in the Here and Now, not beating myself up with the past nor frightening myself with possible, horrible futures.

The past cannot be changed, the future is unknown, and Now is all that's important. And we have some control over Now, so why not stay there? What we do with Now can effect a future, so let's stay here and see what we can do, or change, to make Now palatable.

And sometimes we make it more than palatable, we make it worth it.
Wow Gryeyes - that is neat! I had to read it several times before it really sunk in, but it is so true. Sometimes we get so caught up in the could haves, should haves and wish I coulds, that we forget we have this moment right now to be happy/healthy and truely live! I still say, hugs from my feathered and furry friends help me in the moment! They are so happy just to have that moment and we can all learn from our critters!
I too agree that living in the moment sounds great, its just that at the moment I am pretty down, and I dont like living in this moment. Thats not to say that I would ever think about doing anything silly like ending it, but its just that this moment in not my best moment. I do like the idea and how it might work, and maybe its a case of taking all the good things in this moment, and removing all the bad things, and living in the good moment things. Oh, I don't know, I don know what you mean though. Actually, my head is starting to hurt, I will check back later :)
I do understand what you say when the moment is not that great. There were times in the past when I thought the moment was going to suffocate me. The only thing I have found to get me out of that is my critters. At one point all I could do was sit with the computer and play solitaire - and cry. Then I got parrots. They sit and talk to me when no one else will. Then I got Guineas, cute critters, but not loveable. I got chickens. One rooster picked my out as his person. He would sit on my lap and was just happy to be with me. Then a couple of the hens picked up on that and vied for my lap. Then I got ducks. They are so funny to watch - although the muscovies are much friendlier than the pekins. Then I got bought some eggs to hatch for heritage Buckeye chickens. They are my true loves! Then I got heritage turkey eggs and have been raising turkeys. They are funny and follow me like dogs. Each animal has a special place in my life and fulfills different needs. I have not needed medicine for depression since I became an animal "hoarder" as my friends and family call me! Even with the terrible cold weather we are having, I know my critters need me and I am forced to go out when I really don't want to move! My daytime job is just a way to make enough money to pay mortgage and utilities and buy animal food. My husband doesn't always understand why I have so many animals, but at any time, I have a critter that will sit on my lap to be loved - thus lowering my blood pressure and giving me a reason for living. Who would or could love them as much as I?!
Live in the present with positive thoughts. It's about changing your mind set from negative to positive, only you can do this. Use an elastic band on your wrist or clap your hand to stop that negative thoughts and think of something positive. Write down a list of the positives in your life. Carry it around with you and read them, use them to help change the negative thoughts in that moment. Also search on the internet for List of Affirmations and put it On your wall, maybe by your mirror in the bathroom and a copy to carry around. It's the negative that continues us in depression.

It's not easy, however, it doesn't go away as quickly as we would like it to. Remember to take care of yourself, always get dressed in the morning, brush your teeth, eat even if its a piece of fruit or a carrot. Exercise is also so important, go for walks, get in touch with nature, feel it.

There are some good books that are worth reading, "The Four Agreements". There are three of these, library would have them.

Here is a great link to read. "Lessons From Life of a 90 year old"

Now get off the computer and give your wife wife a beautiful hug and kiss and let her know how important she is to you and how supportive she is. :)
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