will my chicks ever like me?

The only time I "handled" mine was when the few that had "pasty butt" needed to be cleaned off. I generally don't handle any of them that don't want to be picked up. I give them a 10-15 minute visit three to four times a day roughly. I have noticed that they're becoming slightly less afraid when I reach into the brooder (when I'm siting down first), but with the exceptions I mentioned, they're still rather flighty.

Ah ok. ty.
Thanks for this! I was somewhat worried that my chicks would simply run from me when I tried to pick the up. They come to me when I have food. I suspect it's just time and getting used to me.
Its been different for me with each hatch. Some are more skittish, some more friendly. My first hatch of this year is very flighty.(11 of them), 3 chicks in the second hatch are halfway friendly. And my last hatch of 14 chicks, I havent handled them as much but most of them are VERY happy to associate with humans.
Why? I know they are not lap chikies, but why is it bad for them to enjoy being petted?
I do not want anything I own to be afraid of me.

This is what I was told when I got my first chicks too and I have found over time that it is simply not true. If you want to pick those little chicks up then go right ahead! It won't hurt them at all. Have you ever seen a video of a hatchery sexing chicks? If they can live through that then they can live through proper / gentle handling.
:lol:FOOD!! Food is the answer....I always start offering them some tasty treats out of my hand, they are cautious at first, but pretty soon they will be mobbing you for food when you come in. My big ones follow me all over the yard, get in the way when I'm doing yard work, and are exceedingly friendly. Now my babies are getting friendlier, following me, etc and it wasn't that long ago that they acted like I was Godzilla. Just like men, the way to their hearts is thru their stomachs.
MEALWORMS will make any chicken LOVE YOU!! My 6-week old chicks RUN to me when I call them and I have to fight the adults off with a stick (not really but you get the idea
I thought the same thing too, my chicks would never like me. I just kept at it. Picking each one up, petting nice, baby talk, lol, those kind of things. I put my hand in the brooder and just left it there (my arm went numb) after a bit they came over. I had given them treats a few times and they didn't go for it, but like a baby, I kept offering it to them. They will eat yogurt out of my hand, I have given them bread crumbs and applesauce. Now they run over when I put my hand in. A couple of the hens will jump right in, but the others don't squawk when I pick them up anymore. They do seem to hold their poo until I pick them up and put them on my leg though.
I'm glad to hear it is not bad for them, because two of mine are downright affectionate, or maybe just nosey:rolleyes: Even the new girls are warming up to us.
Food is the best bribery for them.

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