Wing clip


Apr 12, 2016
I am new to the site. nickname NoraLou. My chicks (6 of 'em) are one month and 3 days old and we live in Reno, Nevada. They have been staying outside in the coop for one week now, with a brooder light at night. They fly and I have been told to clip the feathers on one wing to keep them "grounded." But, we are suburban and do have hawks. Does flying help them stay safer? I think I have 2 roosters (one of which I have become very fine of, a Cornish Rock.) I will get the other roo to a farm, I hope. I didn't know what 4 of them would be other than the 2 pullets. Don't even know the breeds of the other 4! The purchase was rather impulsive, we had our granddaughter with us.

I have fallen in love with these critters. They are so much fun to watch as they get used to their outside world that is rapidly expanding!

So, to clip or not to clip???!!!!
Welcome to Backyard chickens. If your chickens stay in an enclosed run with top, the hawks won't be able to get them. When you have them free range and clip wings, you take away their ability to fly away when predators come after them. Chickens don't really have many options , beaks, spurs, hiding, flying., when attacked.

It's like de-clawing an outside cat.
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