Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I went to F&F today and got feed for chicks and rabbit, a hay holder for Mr. Gibs, pine bedding, vet wrap, bag balm, and blu-kote. So I put it in with my scissors, tweezers, knife, hemerroid cream and alcohol swabs. I couldn't find the Nu-stock however. Where is that kept? I am on my way to having a well stocked emergency kit!!! Delisha, I didn't see you there. I'm not sure if you were there or not, but I know that you asked when I'd be there. ***They didn't have chicks*****
Evening To Everyone.... Welcome to all the new folks. I hope you can make the bash. Quite a few trades and sales are made at the bash for folks looking for something others have or want.

Congrats on the remission Vickie! Hope it's gone for good!

Little by little the snow is soaking in. Great for the ground moisture.

Monthly work night at camp tomorrow. It's my month to put on the meal for the guys. Slow roasted two chickens til they fell off the bone. Gonna make gravy for hot chicken sanwiches on ho-made buns, potato salad, crab salad, bear sausage and sharp cheddar cheese with fridge pickles and fresh raisin/oatmeal cookies. That should be enough I'm thinkin.

Lots of breeding goin on here. My young rooster in heaven with his ladys. Quite the happy boy!
Prolly wait and set eggs in a couple weeks. No hurry, plenty of time yet.

Keep em hatching....bigz
Oh my! A wee bit too much info there. Insert blushing smiley here.........
My2 Roos that are a year old and raised together...got along great till now...decided pecking order needed to change and started fighting one is limping hiding and scared...any hope that they will work it out and get along again?
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Lisa! Glad to have you join us.
Awwww, I just love your kitty! Looks like my Ramses.

It is difficult, Brenda, but they can do it. They need to struggle to become strong enough to survive in life. If they do not survive the hatching process, then there was something wrong with them and it was for the best. It is tough to watch, so I recommend closing the door & picking up a good book. They can do it, it just takes a while.
And welcome to the Cheesehead thread!

Vicki, I only use Sav-A-Chick for a few days. I mix up a gallon, fill their waterer & put the rest in the frig and use it til it''s gone. Unless they really seem traumatized by shipping.

Sunny, do you have your babies on Sav-A-Chick? It would probably be a good idea. A little plain regular (not diet/light) yogurt mixed into their starter wouldn't hurt either, or the Sav-A-Chick probiotic. You can put both into the water at the same time. I hope the rest of your chicks are ok for you.

Bigz, can I come?
Sounds yummy!

I made some muffins and cupcakes for DH to take to work tomorrow. His birthday is Friday but he took the day off, so he is bringing treats in tomorrow. I'm glad I had the distraction. It is so darn quiet in this house without Finny, it was driving me nuts. If there was one thing that cat could do, it was talk! You would have loved him, Bigfam.......
My2 Roos that are a year old and raised together...gotten asking great till now...decided pecking order needed to change and started fighting one is limping hiding and scared...any hope that they will work it out and get along again?
They already worked it out, Ang. IF the loser settles for second best. 2 of my lavs decided to do the same thing last week. #3 bested #1, but the next day #1 took his title back. Now all is peaceful again like nothing happened. It's spring, and boys will be boys.
CC, I will send you my chatterbox...... Grover is always having the last word about things. He came out of the chute talking.

Jim, where are you?????

Our new Mayor won by 19 votes.......

All of you newbies should come to the Bash; you will have a good time! Vickie, now that you are doing so well, you really NEED to come!

Off to bed.

Good luck BigFam.
Prayers sent.
They already worked it out, Ang. IF the loser settles for second best. 2 of my lavs decided to do the same thing last week. #3 bested #1, but the next day #1 took his title back. Now all is peaceful again like nothing happened. It's spring, and boys will be boys.  :confused:   

Speaking of roosters... Danny Boy found his voice today and he seems to like it a lot! (I just hope the neighbors do, too!) :)

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