Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I completely agreemon Jim with the neighbors. We had a huge issue when we moved in here. The neighbors were feeding our dogs. And we did not realise. I was overwhelmed because my dogs had never ignored their training before. The situation wasmsoon brought under control.
If I were you, I would have a talk with any neighbors before you even begin. Explain nwhat you are trying to accomplish. And hopefully they willnsend the pup running home and let you know if it has wandered off.
I have met Jim's Maremmanand a few pupsnfrom his last litter. They are wonderful. My sis has a great Pyrenees. And has problems with him wanting to wander farther then he should.
Has anyone ever heard of chicks getting Cocci while on medicated feed? I noticed this morning that there was a pinkish red in the chicks poop. They had access to watermelon yesterday but would doubt that would show up like this even if they had eaten some? Thoughts on what this could be?
quit looking at poop. If they act healthy..they are.

Anyone got tips for a friendly and reliable LGD breed that can stay within a 40-acre unfenced farm?
I have a Maremma that I purchased from Jim. Asking an LGD to stay in an unfenced area is asking a lot with out training AND TIME. It takes work. Many hours of work weekly to teach LGD what they need to know and what you expect from them when they are young. They take two years ti mature and to be ready to protect your land.Once you do, they are one of the best reliable protectors you can own. My Maremma is pretty darn smart and she picks up on things pretty fast.

I completely agreemon Jim with the neighbors. We had a huge issue when we moved in here. The neighbors were feeding our dogs. And we did not realise. I was overwhelmed because my dogs had never ignored their training before. The situation wasmsoon brought under control.
If I were you, I would have a talk with any neighbors before you even begin. Explain nwhat you are trying to accomplish. And hopefully they willnsend the pup running home and let you know if it has wandered off.
I have met Jim's Maremmanand a few pupsnfrom his last litter. They are wonderful. My sis has a great Pyrenees. And has problems with him wanting to wander farther then he should.
Love my Maremma from Jim.
Hmmm...... If I were to get one, what breed should I get? I hear Maremmas are good on this thread.... I have also read that Great Pryeneeses work good, as well as Bernese Mountain Dogs and another popular LGD breed whose name escapes me right now..... :idunno
nobody can tell you what kind of dog to get,, that is a decision you will have to make for yourself ..
Exactly. I suggest doing lots of research into different breeds and decide which qualities are the most important to you to help narrow down your decision. And as Delisha said, the most important thing you can do is to take the time to train the dog properly. Good luck!
Peroxide will react with a lot more than just blood, so even if it foams it might not be due to blood. I bet it was the watermelon. Feed them beets and see what happens.....
Or any type of berry.

I agree with Del, Ang. Don't fret so much about the appearance of the poos. While it can be a great indicator of illness, without other signs & symptoms, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Treat the birds with some vitamins/electros and keep an eye out for other symptoms, if they occur. And misting the coop with Oxine is seldom a bad idea. Sometimes the coop gets a little too dusty for their lungs, or maybe someone was dustbathing in the vicinity, or maybe they were eating too quickly. I know my girls will sneeze when they garbage down scratch too fast. Good luck & keep us informed, please.

Cind, hope the eggs hatch for you.

We adopted another cat today. An 8 year old black kitty that was abandoned by her owners when they moved. The neighbor eventually took her in but her 2 cats kept beating up on her so they recommended her to be an "only cat". She has come face to face with 4 of my (nosy) cats so far & no issues have arisen as of yet. I am trying to keep her in her own private area so she can get used to all the new sights & smells, but my cats are used to having access to the entire house & are making things difficult. Nosy lil bassturds.......... At least they are all easygoing cats. I am quite happy to see the new one appears to be the same way, so far anyway. Hopefully pics to come soon.
HI All!

Jasmine has 2chicks!
hopefully more tomorrow! But 2 is better than 0 and it looked like that's what I was getting. Storky's are due the 25th.

Plucky.... I would try to find people who have the types of dogs your interested in and check them out in person. See if there are kennel clubs in your area, they may know. Also, check out shelters and rescue groups, many people don't realize how big that pup they got could get and wind up giving them up.

CC... hope the new kitty works out well.

That's it.... night all!
Maybe pine chips would work. We use straw. I know a guy in the Rosendale area that has good turkens. If you like I can see if he is selling any. TerriO has some naked neck types
Not sure what she is selling atm. Could pm her.
Congratsnon getting rid of the fox issue :)

Thank you. Rosendale is a bit far away, but I reached out to terri, I hope to hear back! I will look into pine chips too!
Have a chicken I heard a wet snortel from today...worried with the humidity there is a respitory infection...still have two with light feathers on the neck. Think I am going to put antibiotic in the water. There is a momma with 5/6 week olds in there, will they be ok with the water? Or move them and treat the others?

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