Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Wow I have no chance in heck to catch up on all the posts, a bunch of chatty Cathy's in here and (Jim's)
Jim you seem intent on single handed populated the world with Guineas.
Brent are your daughter and sil in the volunteer fire department there or how did they get those jobs? I have a 23 year old son who needs some direction.
Today my DD 25 leaves for Seattle. Car is loaded down, her inflatable bed just arrived this morning. I shipped FedEx 90 lbs of clothing to her new apartment. Her idea of laundry is if I have enough clothes I don't have wash but once a month! She will buy furniture out there cheaper than spending money to ship used furniture. Those teenage girls will drive you nuts moms but pick your battles someday she will be your very best friend!
cs hope they figure things out, not knowing is the worst and they always tell you the scary stuff first, I hate that! Ruling things out can be a long process and leave you feeling like a pin cushion. Take care of yourself!
Wow lots of old bombers flying over the house WWll show at the Madison Airport Heavy Bombers weekend. Cool
Oh the surrogate chicken mom has had enough of her 6 week old turkey poults... Are turkeys always so full of chatter or is it that they are missing mom? Glad the neighbor is taking them to her yard if they are this chirpy....The other ladies are not very welcoming to her but no one is being cruel so they will figure it out.
Have a good day all I will try and be better about visiting!
Back from vacation. I will never leave again! 
ALL my chicks I brought home from the swap are dead and my layers that were hatching in the bator were never pulled and ALOT of those were dead and rotting. The bator smells like pure death rotten and my chicken room also. NEVER NEVER NEVER leave again. My SIL was taking care of things. And my BLRW roo from CS is also dead. Gah, that's all I have to say for now. Trying to catch up on the posts.

Poor babies! Chicks have to be the easiest babies to take care of. How can someone mess it up like that? I would be beyond upset.
Sandy, I say cockerel

I'm right half the time
Spent the morning at High Cliff mountain biking with a friend. I love that park! What is so sad is that I had no idea it was there until a few years ago!

good saturday afternoon,

I put off coming down here as long as I can,, I am not staying any longer than I have to..
Still can't pinpoint where that dead mouse is.. Annie is finding them all over the house..
between the traps and poison she is up to 12, not counting the one in this room..

I do have a bit of good news.. the concrete turned out just fine, no visible chicken tracks in it.. and the chicks from the nursery can go in and out of their pen but not sneak under the gate anymore..so they are all staying in their yard..

good news #2,, I got the loader fixed today.. the cylinder was not bad,, I just went to F&F and bought a 1/2" hose and switched out the 3/8" hose.. who would have thought that the different diameters would make such a difference ??

had a nice FFF with two of my sisters and one brother last night.. VFW fish night ..

tomorrow 15 of the buff orps will go to their new home.. I hatched them and raised them up to fully feathered for a guy.. charging him $5.oo/each for my efforts ..

the Delawares are almost big enough to be butchered .. there are about 5 full grown roosters that will be going that route also..
one of them is a SQ Delaware..
but the one I am keeping a nice looking one who is very friendly ..

Momgill, I was missing you..
where is JJ, FT, Ski, Jelinek and others ?
Hi Cheeseheads,

I'm new to WI, just recently move from CA to the Cheese Head state.

I've brought along three(2 females & 1 roo) of my started 4-5 month old Fibro melanistic chickens with me here from Cali. I currently reside in Milwaukee, the city is nice it self and all the neighbors for the most part(the neighbor next door called neighborhood watch on us because of our chickens
) and now I must find them a new home to keep them at(have 14 days to compile).

Main point i'm here asking is to look for someone who lives in a more rural area close by(say 20-35 minutes from me) with some spare plot of land/barn room for rent. I don't need much, it's only 3 chickens for now and when ever they breed, then there will be some more, but not much. Land i'm looking for is, say 10' x 10' or 10' x 20' area.

I'm really desperate to find them a new place to keep them before the inspector comes back in 14 days. The male it self is very rare,so I didn't want to just get rid of him.

Please let me know ASAP if you have spare land or barn room/space for me to keep my precious chickens at. I'm not asking to keep them there for free, but lease room board/land(let me know your price to rent land/barn room per a month too). So help a fellow chicken fancier out please!

Thanks you and BTW, i'm in the village called Menomonee River Hills?

Hi Cheeseheads,

I'm new to WI, just recently move from CA to the Cheese Head state.

I've brought along three(2 females & 1 roo) of my started 4-5 month old Fibro melanistic chickens with me here from Cali. I currently reside in Milwaukee, the city is nice it self and all the neighbors for the most part(the neighbor next door called neighborhood watch on us because of our chickens
) and now I must find them a new home to keep them at(have 14 days to compile).

Main point i'm here asking is to look for someone who lives in a more rural area close by(say 20-35 minutes from me) with some spare plot of land/barn room for rent. I don't need much, it's only 3 chickens for now and when ever they breed, then there will be some more, but not much. Land i'm looking for is, say 10' x 10' or 10' x 20' area.

I'm really desperate to find them a new place to keep them before the inspector comes back in 14 days. The male it self is very rare,so I didn't want to just get rid of him.

Please let me know ASAP if you have spare land or barn room/space for me to keep my precious chickens at. I'm not asking to keep them there for free, but lease room board/land(let me know your price to rent land/barn room per a month too). So help a fellow chicken fancier out please!

Thanks you and BTW, i'm in the village called Menomonee River Hills?

sounds like you have real nice neighbors alright ..

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