Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Happy Mother's Day !

"brisk" in the north woods and the ground is white,,,,,,,,again,,,,,,tonight low 20's,,,,,,,will it ever end?

Joe fishing should be good for a couple weeks, get that boat ready, my guess is crappies will spawn up here in about 10 days (I watch the lilac bloom)

bigfam, good luck, as CC says "patience grasshopper", it applies to more than incubating

bbl, need to gather eggs b4 they freeze!!!!


eta; psyco, never heard about disease, just poor breeding
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Happy Mothers' Day to us Mothers here! (yes some of you guys qualify too) THe kids arrived at 6AM today...I am tired already! They hadnt had breakfast so I gave them Coco Puffs...LOL--they were amazed that the milk turned into chocolate milk. (I thought all kids knew that?) Then we had some banana bread which was delicious.
Yes Zeke, I love to cook! Baking not so much, but the Fam likes the baked stuff. I am developing a pretty good repertoire of GF stuff...only have a few flops now and again! I did try to use my GF flour mix with added Xanthan gum in the same proportions as my regular crust recipe....EPIC FAIL! It is very soft and did not stiffen up in the fridge at all....I am going to add it to some stew or soup and see if it makes a dumpling like thing. Maybe it will! So then I used the recipe in my GF Bible and it tasted GREAT! Perhaps that is the desert that I will bring to the bash...depends if I have something to put in it I guess,
BL4--Yes! I would love to see your pie crust recipe! Please send it on. I wonder how it compares to the one I used? We all thought it tasted pretty good! But I am used to a much more plieable dough to work with!

OK enough about pie! I think I am going to take a nap today...hopefully the kids cooperate with my plan.
Have a great day! TerriO

ETA: Cind--sorry to hear that you are in pain! Can your Doc change your meds to make you more comfortable?
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Mornign everyone. It 8:10 on a flippin Sunday and the kids have been fighting for the last half hour. Boy I can see how this day is going to go. I brought the chicks and turkey poults back in the house after seeing one of my poults hunched over and not moving. The poor thing was freezing. I have had the heat lamp on the last two days cause of the wind and temps but for some reasons the chicks and poults dont go under it until night time. ugh I thought I was going to loose him, but after siringe feeding it warm sugar water and putting a warmed sock with rice in it under him. He perked up after about an hour or so. I made home some soaked mushy feed and he went to town. I really dont want to loose this turkey poult, he's my next fave. I found my first fave ( one of the white crested black polish) smooshed and dead in the coop yestarday morning. And of course one of the brown polish got out of the pen yestarday morning and I didnt know it and I found him later in the day dead in my garden. I'm assuming it died of cold since it was raining/hailing/snowing and super windy. So needledd to say I am a bit paranoid about the rest of the babies now so they will stay indoors until the weather breaks. DH says I can keep them in until Tuesday , I think even he is a little paranoid lol

So anyway, Happy Mothers Day to all the moms. Great the kids are arguing yet again and DH is complaining! ugh I want to go back to bed .
Yeah..I brought all the baby's under two weeks back in the house too..darn it..freezing weather and baby's do not mix well. Better safe than sorry. I am keeping them in myself till Wednesday.

The house already stinks and it has only been three days with the new ones and now the additional chicks from outside...Ugh.

My duck eggs in the incubator are developing. I have two hen setting nests now. If the third girl starts to get a volume of eggs I am locking up that male for a while.
psych...i have no personal experience with edgewood just saw their post and thoight it was an interesting coiecedence.

babylafy i would also like your piecrust recipe. i found a pretty good gf one but its not very flaky.....
TO, Judi; here is the site that I found to have a good pie crust. You can purchase all of the needed ingredients for the flour in the Asian section of your grocery store (like Woodman's) or drop in at an Asian Market. It is MUCH cheaper to purchase from the Asian section! The crust is not going to give you the huge flakes you might be looking for, but it will give you a degree of flakiness....


I see some of you need to read the article I posted.......

My darling cherubs have forgotten it is Mother's Day...... my youngest decided that he should start doing his laundry at 6:45 AM.....

Saw Tyler yesterday and told him to come to the Bash, and he is! Amy, he has your book and all the other Joel Salatin books too, he just does not have them up on his website yet.....

Speaking of Joel, he will be back in WI in June! He is going to be speaking at the Aquaponics Conference at UWSP on the 19th and then at the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair in Custer on the 21st. If you live in the Baraboo area he will be speaking at the Ringling Theater on the 23rd of May. I would love to have him come to UWFV and give a presentation......

Dang it is COLD!!!!!!!!! I broke down and turned the heat back on.
I wish we had a wood stove....... I hate giving WE any $....
Here are my new babies! I CAN'T STAND how adorable, cute, friendly, and snuggly my little Naked Neck is!! I tried smooching her on her beak and my lips practically engolfed her whole head! LMAO! She'd better get used to it, cuz until I get my other NN's, she's gonna be smothered!

Here she is!! (standard sz, partridge color)

2 red crested red pullets and 1 white crested black cockerel, standard sz Polish

Blue splash Silkie pullet to go along with the black one we already have:

2 Mille Fluer D'Uccles (1m, 1f) & a porcelean (f)

standard size Cochin pullets: 1 blue sassy brat who keeps pecking you and likes to attack wood chips and
peck at the box, and 1 gold laced.

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