Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

A rainy morning turned into a beautiful afternoon!

Cuties, I am sorry you had to go in to work today.

I am beginning to suspect that there is a strong possibility our plant is going to either shut down or be sold. One of our newer employees had his orientation yesterday, he came in to work this morning letting us know our plant is a canker compared to the rest of the plants. With the way they nickel and dime repairs, the overall condition of the plant, and a few other clues I would not be surprised if that were to happen.

Smashed my fingers at work yesterday, I have a nice purple fingernail and a purple thumb and of course they are on opposing hands!

Since I bruised my fingers, I am going to take a stab at attempting to cut one or two off this afternoon. My MIL has gifted me her old Kraut cutter and so this afternoon's project is to get the kraut going. I'll post pics of the cutter later, I know some of you will appreciate it.

Back to work.
Thanks to those that met up at cluck the chicken store.was great to see you ladies and chat. Sorry we had to run for birthday party/ football game/ in laws for dinner.
Busy say...glad it is over
Wow, how bazaar! I wonder why the guy that bought her old farmhouse didn't say anything to authorities before.

Well maybe he said it cause now he can be in the news too? If they dug around here they would fine 2 complete skeletons of horses and one of a pony; along with many other bodies of various critters! Of course the graves are marked...perhaps that is the difference?

Yes the meet up was great today..we will have a few new people popping in including the owner of CLUCK! We had a great time!

Gotta run--I have to get these girls home and to bed! Nighties! TerriO
So now that I am on the laptop...
The cutter..

And the Kraut!

I know it does not look like much, but there are 6 heads of cabbage in that crock. :)

Oldest DD and the BF made cookies tonight. I gave them a recipe and they decided to go rogue.... and too much flour has been added. They still taste good though!

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