Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Gentle Evening here finally. Been a windy blusterly day here all day. Ended up taking another fence off another garden for winter storage. Glad that event is over for another year.

It sounds like I found a source for straw here too Jim. The Amish up the other road here are posta have straw for $3 a bale....we will see if that's the case here next week. No Sunday Sales.

My daughter was here and said there were deer standing by the driveway when she arrived....yep the acorns are everywhere this year.

Peace and quiet is nice....bigz
Depending where your at I have a guy at work that I get straw for 3 bucks a bale too if need be
Thanks for the heads up core...I will keep that in mind if I can't score here locally ...nice to have another offer to look into.

The wind took a dive late today...if I had a buck tag it woulda been a goon evening hunt.

Have Fun...bigz
not much going on TV tonight,,
I watched Hondo for the 3 rd or 4 th time..

I put 10 bales of straw over the septic tank and threw a tarp over the whole pile,, the chickens were right there to scratch at whatever didn't get covered with the tarp.. and the goose was on top of the heap when we got back with the tarp..

I paid $2.oo/bale .. but Brian and we do favors back and forth.. as a bonus, he is going to let Annie dig some beets out of his garden,, I told her to take the kids along and dig them all and give Brian a break from it.. Brian is 68 but he is in really bad health,, I don't think he will see spring next year..

I have a potential buyer for my turkey porches.. only she wants me to deliver for a little more cash,,
I am trying to figure out a deal.. I really don't want to haul them 40 miles..

Chickenscratch, what is a chimney tuck? and where did you get your winter bucket water?
1stchic-a tuck, referring to mortar, is when the seams between bricks are falling out and they "tuck" in more mortar to stabilize the structure. I got my winter bucket at the Blain's F&F in Racine, WI. I haven't had to use it yet, but the lady that recommended it said she'd never again buy another one of the gravity feeders for winter purposes. It is a blue bucket and comes in several sizes (some being big enough for large animals).

Afternoon to everyone....chickenscratch, your ear musta been ringing with my wondering how you guys are doing! Glad to hear all is well.

Bringing birds from other property onto yours is always taking a risk, firstchic....folks can tell a lot of stories of that to be true on here alone. The least problem flocks are closed flocks....raising and hatching your own peeps....or start with a flock of chicks from a hatchery and allow them to build resistance on your property.

This was a feral pig cd....while I can post a link with a lot of good information from the DNR....that are usually about 5 years behind the real time outdoors happenings....for example...their map of known feral pigs is from 2012....really? They never accept the truth until they can't deny it any longer....


Hugz!!!!!! Thanks for thinking about us!

Staci, you are amazing. And so is your little house. I love it, and your enamelware too. I hope your thumb is healing up good for you.

Good to hear from you again cs.

We love our root veggies here too. They are an absolute must for any wintertime cooking, especially soups. Yum!

A pig roast sure would be nice at camp sometime. My uncle used to have a pig roast every year down on his farm. I sure miss him.

Not too much new here. Jim, no S word please!
Cindy-we should get together one of these days and make some green goop together!!!

The old house (in Milwaukee 'burbs) finally sold, so yesterday I had movers haul the rest of my furniture up here to Sauk County. Now my house is a jam-packed solid sea of furniture.

Gotta spend the weekend arranging things and figuring out what else to sell or donate. Looking forward to having everything settled under one roof.

I wish I could convince this town to stop allowing burning leaves....... Some afternoons it looks like a fog bank has rolled in...... Wreaks havoc with the asthma too.

Me too. It's given me migraines, itchy eyes, etc
Yes Happy Anniversary to you Bigz & Suzie!!!!!

Hey,Packer fans!
Still a newbie here. This is my 1st time raising chickens. I have 12 hens and 1 rooster,all born May 1st.
They were laying about 8-9 eggs a day until last week. Like somebody flipped a switch,now I get 1 egg a day,and yesterday 0.
I heard/read they lay less in colder weather,but is this extreme change normal? It's not really cold here in SE WI yet. I just want to make sure there is not a problem.
Thanks for any help.
I think Jim answered this well. I live fairly close to you, just across the WI/IL border. The laying is effected (to my knowledge) by light not temperature. I have lights on from ~5am-7pm, but their production will change with the external lighting I've found too (meaning if we have a cloudy, rainy day). But yours are new at laying and that can effect their laying too.
Thanks for the info.
Yes,I'm not too far from you. I live in Mount Pleasant,about 3 miles SE of the Farm N Fleet you mentioned above. Kind of ironic,as I was going to ask about heated waterers next! :)
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Hey,Packer fans!
Still a newbie here. This is my 1st time raising chickens. I have 12 hens and 1 rooster,all born May 1st.
They were laying about 8-9 eggs a day until last week. Like somebody flipped a switch,now I get 1 egg a day,and yesterday 0.
I heard/read they lay less in colder weather,but is this extreme change normal? It's not really cold here in SE WI yet. I just want to make sure there is not a problem.
Thanks for any help.
With a sudden drop off like that, is there anyway that they have a hidden nest somewhere?
Your chickens are only a month older than mine and mine finally started laying - average 10 eggs a day for 12 hens, with a double yolker thrown in occasionally for variety. Mine are locked in a pen and have cleared it of vegetation entirely, so the ones laid outside are easy to find. Two days ago was the only time all the eggs were in the egg nests.
Anyone looking for cockerels near Milwaukee? Mixed breed hatched out of an olive colored egg and a rare pure bred Exchequer Leghorn.
I had the same thing with the egg drop off. We took Jims advice and installed a light that is on from 4pm to 9pm. Getting more eggs from the old girls, the newbies which were born in April, have not stopped laying, altho, they are mighty tiny eggs.

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