Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

there must be almost 13 hours of daylight now, eh ?
soon maybe I will be turning off the light in the coop.
3/5 eggs today. one was broken.. I have to cushion the nests again.

when I plowed snow today, I forgot my cap,, didn't matter, didn't need it.

you can tell the sun is getting warmer. only got up to 24F here today, but the snow was melting off of the roofs.

when the roosters can feel the sun on their backs, they get pretty lively.

Candled the eggs I slipped under my broody from my buddy and out of the 7, 4 of them seem to be growing. He only has 2 roosters and one is a polish. I almost think the egg is a turken egg so if it was bred by the polish rooster that will be one fugly bird
So I was shipped my chicks today- Ended up with some extras.
Wondering if anyone local is interested in a trio of Female Buff Orps. currently 2 days old. $4.00 each. The have been vaccinated for Mareks. I am south of Madison-west of

Noonish to everyone. Welcome to the cheeseheads cooper. I'm not sure if anyone has cochins or not. There use to be some folks with some if I remember right.

I have 3 different groups of wild turkeys that raid my wild bird feeder numerous times during the day. I have to fill it every time they leave....I'm really going through the boss and whole corn at a fast pace.


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