Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Nice pics TO
Horray for the torts!! And horray for you too Cindlady!

Hey, did that watermelon ever get eaten? I forgot to bring it out till after lunch. DrH, I hope you shared???

Will be getting some cuckoo marans eggs off the crazy egg chain.
TO the food looked wonderful and bet it tasted wonderful too! Great group shot of the crazy chicken people

The cake BL4 made was beautiful! How sweet of her to make it for you! The torts are neat, how far away did they come from?

Meeting w/lady from the humane society over near Chicago to return the dog. Poor guy, sure hope they find someone who has the time and knowledge to turn him into the dog I know he can become. Course, now they know he's not good w/smaller animals and kids, at least in his present state of being. It's tough, we really do like him a lot, he's just to much for our household

Got most of the stuff around the tree stump dug up, letting it dry out today in the sun so I can knock the soil off so I dont' have huge holes were all the hostas (and weeds) were growing. I've pretty much given up on removing all the darn rocks around the house and decided to just plant stuff among them that will cover them and hope for the best. I understand a 6 or 8" band of rocks around the foundation to help with drainage, but 3 feet... really???? and a ton of smaller gravel around the huge tree by the patio, which continually washes onto the patio... gotta love it! Neighbor kindly shared her unused bricks so I can at least contain the gravel, bless her heart, dont' know what I'd do without her!

Well off to tackle something else, what I don't know...

You all looked like you had a blast. Wish I could have been there. Got to spend some time with my sister and her family that are up from Texas.
Now I need to find some free time to put some old straw in my garden to locate the veggies and not the weeds. Even our new neighbors were exclaiming that all these gardens get so much quack grass and thistle growing in them so quick. Crazy!

Have a friend getting chickens and I am so excited for her! Never thought I would love having them so much.
Hi all! Nice pics everyone! Wonder what I was cheering for in the group shot? I don't know FM and me were having way too much fun! LOL FT- I was the one showing the pictures of the horses and also talking to your DH about pheasants. TO- Nice torts! Glad they made it! Sorry about your preditor issue. Hope you get it. My guess is coon, by the musky odor.
Well getting ready to go up north this weekend. I love going up, but hate getting ready for it. So much work, with the animals and also getting everything packed. I'm tired already.
It was me that mentioned a second get together this year. Glad to here people are thinking it's something they want to do. What about in Sept sometime? Again think about it. Well I'm done with my break off to continue packing. You would think half of the six could pack for themselves, but last time two of them forgot underwear. Any guesses who? LOL Later
Hello fellow cheeseheads! Ive finally got chickens again after 2 year and Im so hapy to be back. I dont see many names I knew from before, cant wait to get to know you all tho.
BTW Im located close to Clear Lake.

I'm still working on the pic, I think I may need some help in naming some. lol forgive me, please lol
whos the lady behind Julie?
whos the lady next to Julie? and the guy behind her?
I think that is all!

wait, let me make sure, beckyschicks, your the one next to FM in the chicken shirt (not the ones I made lol)
I thought it funny that all you can see of Dr Ha ha is his "beady eyes". Shifty fella', that one......

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LMHO- Shifty fella indeed. Just teasing DrHa, your good people. Yeah Raim- That's me next to FM giving an imaginary toast. Welcome loadsofeggs!
Sweetfolly- I'm going to text you soon, what about meeting in Columbus? If that is to far let me know. Later
It's me (Vicky) behind Julie, and I bet you're wondering about Suzie next to Julie, cause the other side is Amy.

Thiis little Call duckling I got from BL4 sure has taught me that weeding can be fun! She takes off for the garden peeping, "Let's go dig some more, Mom!" The excited little trills she makes when she finds a worm or something especially tasty just cracks me up. What a darling!

Still trying to recover from the excitement of the bash. It's kind of like post-Christmas, don't you think? Well that, and I've got this new baby at my house making all kinds of demands.

Hey, welcome loadsofeggs! Glad you've come back!
good afternoon, I finally found time to get on here.. I went in for breakfast about 11am.. we were blocked in by the town road equipment.. they had all the culverts dug out and putting them all in new.. they wanted to know if they could get rid of the apple tree at the end of our driveway.. It is over 100 years old.. (was) .. I told them it was ok as long as they left the plum tree alone.. actually the "apple" was just root stock gone wild.. It never bothered me, but I know the neighbor had issues with it when he had to leave the field with his big farm equipment..

the new roo and my Wyandotte are still measuring each other up through the fence.. there is almost continuous crowing going on with the 4 big roos.. and now some of the young guys are starting to crow, too..

I got the dipstick installed on the tiller motor.. of course it did not come with any mounting bolts..

then I installed the "dog proof" screen into the porch door.. The hardware store guy did a poor job of installing the screen into the frame.. It is very loose and wavey.. Not a problem though.. the dog will have it punched out by the end of the week.. or wait!! maybe it being so loose is what makes it dog proof.. he won't be able to punch it out so easily.. LOL


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