Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

do you think my 'scovie would take them in??? lol I gotta talk with DH and see if he wants to go get them. actually he can go that route home! Hmmmm? what time are you home??? he would drive thru about 5ish. if that wont work it wont stop me from coming to get them.

got some pics of them?? you never did say what you ended up with, did you? lol I'll PM you my number

now I gotta go ask DH
Sorry, I've only got a few minutes to post. Gotta get to bed early tonight. Heading up north for the weekend & gotta get up early!
Raim, so glad to hear from you, but sorry to hear why. Hope the kiddos are better. Hate the cleaning part. I sure could never have a coop like the one Dornes posted. A chandelier????? Puh-leeease!!!!!

Susie, the productions can go into layer mode at 16 weeks. Mine sure did. The rest, anywhere from 16 to 22 weeks, so I'd wait on the layer feed until at least 16-18 weeks for the rest of them. Add calcium at the same time. I have BO & BA pullets that I think are 14-15 weeks & they have access to layer feed in addition to their chick grower, and so far, so good. But they also have grass & weeds to graze.

Carol, that pic is priceless. She thinks she's a parakeet. That's ok. I have a dove that thinks he's a cat. I'll have to post a pic sometime.

TO, I have a Dom roo. He is a sweetie. Not the friendliest to people (I didn't raise him), but not aggressive at all. I love him, but I eventually would like to get either an orpington or an australorp roo for my gals. Maybe if FT sells me a few lav orp chicks at the bash next year?????? Knowing her, they'll all be roos.

Gotta crash! Don't post too many pages this weekend, please!
I have extra Domonique Roos !!!!! At least I think I Do !!! I got Domonique eggs on BYC and I know for sure I have some Roos, in fact I may have mostly Roos !!!!!! You are welcome to one cause I know it will be going to a good home !!!

When I come down to Racine I can bring him. And as may other roos you want. I have RIR Roo's too ! They were packing peanuts.

Think the Dom roo is about 5 months.
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Oh and I wanted to share that I finally got a small IE TeenY! riding lawn mower.
A gilson 8hp that has a very loose steering wheel... if you go above 3rd gear, you take your life into your own hands!! LOL
I called 'steering optional' vs intermittent steering..
Hubby is better at starting and keeping it in a lower gear.
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Good Cool Morning All! Not going to be able to say that again for awhile.
shanti I am so jelly-ous! Think it would be really cool to work on old planes. They have always held my attention. Never been to the fly in but would love to go sometime. My dad was getting his pilots license and would always ask if I wanted to go along. I'd jump at the chance. I'd puke everytime but I'd go! His friend had a plane and loved to make me puke! Kicked some serious butt yesterday in prep for not going outside for the next week. Got a margarine tub filled the brim with blackraspberries. Was in the garden and see I have enough cuc's for a couple of qts of baby dills.
Decided last night that instead of freezing the fish we'd have a FFF. Fric tried to mount a hen this morning. It didn't go well for him.
Better get the garbage to the curb. Enjoy the last cool day for awhile!
Here are pics of the latest babies!

The little black bibbed one is peeking out......


So here they are:
Wild Child, Freckle, and Frozone....


Good morning! Just a quick note before I head off to cook. I have been off for 4 weeks so I am wondering if I remember how...and also how much has changed while I was off! I had to drive to Milw last night and didnt get home until nearly 11. I will be tired today. At least I am working all day so I dont have to go back and pick up DH from the airport...I have to do that on Monday!
So now I really have to go grocery shopping...DS took a lot of food along! I sure hope he does well at his new job....
Those babies are so cute BL4! Mine looks just like the little mallard that he is! There is only one left out of two and those calls are not very good parents! He has jumped ship and now hangs around with the muskovy babies of the same age! He even sleeps under their Mom! The call doesnt seem a bit concerned either.
Maybe she will start laying again and make a new nest? I still dont know what sex the new calls I got are. Right now I am thinking they might all be males...I guess that would be my luck hey?
Got the dog fence panels up yesterday and the fit nicely. Now I have to enlist some help to get the rest of the fencing up and I might be able to start separating my breeds/show birds/laying flock. Now THAT eill be an accomplishment! I met a woman at the fair who wants to get into chickens and ducks. She came over last night and wanted to take home some of the newborn ones without being prepared. I said not a good idea....she wants to turn one of her corncribs into a coop. And, get this: she LOVES my farm and wishes hers was like mine! Her farm is GORGEOUS! I guess you always want what you dont have hey? She loved the "privacy" of my place...yeah, the part I call "neglect!"
Yeah, now I have a style besides messy!

Well, gotta run. Have a great day everyone! Enjoy your fish DrH and we will will have to talk roos FT! Later! Terri O
BL4 - Those Calls are so cute!
My ladies have all taken a break from laying... I haven't let them sit on any eggs, so they'd been going non-stop for months, I guess they deserve a hiatus!

Ugh, I have been so busy, it's ridiculous. Because Will's friend passed away, all the wedding stuff was put on hold - now we have 2 months to go, and too much to get done!
We've been going out and doing stuff with friends EVERY DAY (and, consequently, burning through WAY TOO MUCH money!!!) - we're a tight-knit group of friends, all the people that knew Joel (Will's friend) all went to the same high school but we've been drifting apart, so we've kinda collectively decided to spend more time together, live every day to the fullest... and on top of that, I got a promotion at work (Baby Department Specialist!
) and I've been working crazy hours while they train me! I'm about ready to collapse!

beckyschicks - Realized last night that I haven't heard from you in awhile! My phone can be kinda spastic, so I dunno if you've tried to get in touch... Will's phone is more reliable, the number is (608) 434-0932. Because of his Sergeant's training the next two weeks, he'll be working first shift (6 a.m. to 2 p.m.) all next week, and second shift (2 p.m. to 10 p.m.) the week after that, with weekends off, before he goes back to third shift.

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