Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hey TO or anybody, have you ever been to either DOROTHY CARNES PARK or Korth Park in Lake Mills? They are both in Jefferson Co. & do not have admission fees.

DOROTHY CARNES PARK, which is located on Radloff Lane, just north of Hwy 12, west of Fort Atkinson.
Facilities within the park include a 1800 sq. ft shelter & accessible restrooms.

KORTH PARK was acquired by Jefferson County 2000. Located on the shores of beautiful Rock Lake in the west central part of the county, it is approximately 89 acres in size. Facilities within the park include two shelters, one with a kitchen and flush bathrooms,etc.
Evening all...this is SIS.too tired to post yesterday. Blame it on the weather.
Brent says "Hi" Dooner sorry for the loss... been there done that . Always cried .

Now it me...

OMG! Terri! That pie crust recipe is exactly the way I have been making mine for years! (don't ask how many) lol I actually burned out one food processer already so my mom gave me hers. So how did your salsa turn out? When I saw the picture it looked just like I do it!
In fact I made some more today..exactly 9 pints...that's 48 pts. for the year. I'm done!!!! Also had a 2lb bag of spinach that we froze in 3 bags, and also froze more qt bags of tomatoes today. 28 total. But I give my mom some, she doesn't do that any more.

FT...sorry I haven't gotten back to you..yes I use the aluminum pie plates to freeze my pies in. I usually get them at a dollar stoe or from church goings on where people don't bake home made pies anymore just store bought. I have sizes ranging from 6 to 10 inch sizes. When I want to bake a pie I just pop them out and put them in a glass pie plate..geeze, which I also have those same sizes.
As far as my pie recipe? Brent goes how do I explain that one? Good ? I've been making pies way too long for recipies... I use arecipe once and tweak tweak tweak. I guess the simplest one would bee for an 8 inch pie ..about 8 nice size apples ..peeled and sliced. Sugar stirred in to taste ..prolly 1/3 to 1/2 cup but then I use an apple pie spice, which is about a teas. or so.. dot the apples with 3 T of butter put top crust on and bake for 15 min at 450, then 350 for 45 min or till done.

Jim...why are you letting the coons have the corn???? Don't you know that's free chickie food for the birds????

Well read way too much again.... for my eyes. Brent is coming along slow... still has a hard time reading. I'm praying it steadily gets better. Didn't realize it would be such a long process. All I have to say is please don't take your eyesight for granted. Enjoy the sights of everything you see even if you don't like it!!

Take care and enjoy life!

Suzie and Brent
checking in, I just got done washing 14 chickens for Portage, still have 4 more to do. At least I didn't have to do it in the house this year, set up my chick shed as a bathing room, had it up to 95 degrees in there today, but the washing, drying, and cages are all in there, very convenient. Its the packing up I'm worried about,18 chickens 2 call ducks and 1 Buff American Gander (that's the hard one).

Well only have 2 barns left to clean for winter and 3 cages. then need to rebuild 3 cages and create a whole lot more (3-4 rows on a wall in the chick shed) 4 cages each with removable partitions. So I'll be hard to find for a little while yet. plus I finally figured out how to turn the scoops from the inside of a grain bin into just about spill proof, (you know when a chicken scoops the feed out with it beak), feeders, woo hoo, I hate it when they throw feed all over.

if your going to Portage I'll have the Gold Neck booted Bantams
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That is so true ! That goes for your hearing and well everything !! Keeping Brent in my prayers for a good outcome. He deserves it !!

Thanks for the pie recipe. My Mom cooked and baked like that. Wish I would have paid more attention !!
My FIL brought me some Lumina pumpkins today. He has no idea they're good for making pie. I'll wait to tell him till he gives me a few more! Next year I'm growing Long Island Cheese pumpkins, they're supposed to be great for baking. Or maybe I'll just give him some seeds and have him do it. The deer ate most of my pumpkin plants this year. They also ate the potato and tomato plants. They're real intelligent around here.
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intelligent deer!! Wow they are massacering your garden it sounds like.

I have a family of 4 crows that live in the trees by my house. They are a little annoying but worth it. I think they keep the flying predators away. They have been here for over 2 years. They like it when I throw bread out. They have also been fairly well behaved as far as the garden goes. But my chickens have been very naughty with the tomatoes.
You're lucky! I need crows. My poor cochins only get supervised time out of their pen because of that darn hawk. I noticed some runny deer poop on the edge of the yard this summer. Think it's from eating my poisonous vegetable plants? Aren't they supposed to know better?
Idk Ithink there might be a time each year when they do that in the summer. I noticed it before too.
Like a mating behavior or something.
probably not! But I know I noticed it tooandthenafter a month it was back to normal. I used to walk my dogs on a deer trail. It happened every summer too.

eta BBP I am sorry I wasnt laughing at you about the deer. That just hit my funny bone when you said that.
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