Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Just watched a hatch happen

Congratulations !!!!
Tell us more, what color ? We'll need pictures too !! I forgot, what kind of chicks are you hatching ?

Relax, take a deep breath and enjoy the show !!! Oh and get up and stretch once in a while, it could be a long night !!! lol

ETA I didn't see your picture, weird how did I miss it? It's a cutie !!! Looks like it's nice and healthy !!!
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CC........... Mind your own business !!! LOL This new little piggy is for Porky. Might name a little girl Petunia or Peetra (Chucks idea).

I appreciate the offer for the roosters but the road trip is to long !!!! lol

Raim, weren't you just saying a few days ago that you never lost posts and you didn't know why all of the rest of us were ?? That's weird too !!
I can ask the guy tomorrow if he runs across any more ponies like Gio to let me know. He actually buys, sells, trades and runs an auction in Stratford so I'm sure he can find you whatever you are looking for.

I"m assuming you want one that is broke to ride and/or drive? I saw a team of black and white ponies on CL the other day, They looked just like Gio, but I have no idea how much they were because I can't get any more horses or ponies !!!

Speaking of critters, it took us 3 hourse to deworm all of the horses and ponies and goats today.
The horses were easy because they come to you, the ponies and one of the donkeys were not the easiest to catch. Then Striker one of the spotted drafts (although he just looks like a paint) decided to make DH 2" shorter. He is a psycho horse. beautiful but psycho. He is so head shy and can never by tied. DH was holding him (and I kept telling DH when Striker pulls don't hang on cause he will win) Well DH didn't listen, Striker raised his head then banged it down right onto the top of DH's head. Knocked him tot he ground. He said he saw stars !!!
The scarey part is he is on Coumadin and I was worried about bleeding but he seems fine. So I took Striker and showed him who's boss !!!
We got the parelli carrot stick out, did some work with him and he did great. It is such a shame, he is so predictably unpredictable. He is not the kind of horse you can just hop on. He needs to be worked several times a week and even then he will spook at grass hoppers and butterflys but you can hit him in the head with a carrot or a hay flake and he won't flinch !!! I would rehome him but I"m afraid he would end up at an auction and on a truck to Mexico. He is a beautful lawn ornament though.
I had to sneak goat food to each goat with safeguard dewormer in it. Ever try to carry a bowl of food into a pen with 6 goats ? They have no respect for your space. One of the goats always decides to run in between your legs. Not a problem if he keeps going forward. But when he decided to back up and the horns get you in the shins, not so nice !!! lol

And speaking of problem children, Porky found something under one of the pine tree's and was carrying it around and DH said it was a plastic flower pot or ??? I said no I don't think so, he is eating it. Turns out it was a dead bird. Don't know what kind though. It was very dark maybe black with a long hummingbird type beak ? Any idea's? DH went to get it from him and he was playing keep away from DH. I never saw him get so excited about eating something. He was using his feed to hold on to it !!! So then I told DH to chase him. So he did and Porky took off towards his house. Then we got the bird from him. He is such a cute piggy. He will like having another piggy I'm sure.

Well, that is it for now. I am still frozen from being outside all afternoon. Oh, I remember now what I was gonna tell ya all.
I made a huge pork roast (poor pig) with the recipe I posted the other day. It was delish.
I put it in with a venezen roast. I made a double batch of the gravy because the pork roast was huge.
I put 2 packs of onion soup mix, 2 cans of cola and a Large can of Cream Of Mushroom soup. (Mixed all together) over the top of the roasts. Baked at 350 degrees for 1.5 hours uncovered. Then while I made the mashed tators and carrots (forgot to put the carrots in with roast) I turned the roasts over and covered and cooked a bit longer.
DH loved it. He says I don't cook that often but when I do it is good !!
He said he would have it again....... Tomorrow !!! Leftovers !!!
This is an Easter Egger. I hate to name it already (it's worse if they die) but there is a name repeating over and over in my head. This baby shot out of its egg... 1 kick, 2 kicks, 3 kicks, OUT! I think he/she will be name Rocket.
This is an Easter Egger. I hate to name it already (it's worse if they die) but there is a name repeating over and over in my head. This baby shot out of its egg... 1 kick, 2 kicks, 3 kicks, OUT! I think he/she will be name Rocket.

Rocket !!! I love it. That is a perfect name !!! Ok, now I see the EE in it !!!!
Baby number two has hatched! Much smaller and weaker than Rocket. Rocket got out and walked. Second chick is very stumbley. Darker too I think. I'm praying it rests up and makes it, so Rockets not alone. I still have 3 eggs left, 1 EE and 2 BCM. I have seen only one of them rocking on their own. None of those have even pipped yet, so I think sleeping through the night will be fine (ha ha yeah right!)

Say FT... Exactly HOW many animals do you have?!
Hello everyone! Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Been awhile, so Im even going to try and go back and read everything. Hope everyone is having a good year so far. My new job is great and everyone in my house is doing well. Ok Im off to read back a couple pages so I can get in the groove again. Later tators
Baby number two has hatched! Much smaller and weaker than Rocket. Rocket got out and walked. Second chick is very stumbley. Darker too I think. I'm praying it rests up and makes it, so Rockets not alone. I still have 3 eggs left, 1 EE and 2 BCM. I have seen only one of them rocking on their own. None of those have even pipped yet, so I think sleeping through the night will be fine (ha ha yeah right!)

Say FT... Exactly HOW many animals do you have?!
Don't ask!

Congrats on the babies!
Don't worry, the stumbler will be much stronger in the morning. They just need to build up their muscles. In no time they'll be running amok all over creation.

And welcome back, Becky!
Hi all!

JIM!!!!!.....Welcome Back! you were missed! You'll get this new high finagled computer stuff down in no time! Sometimes it comes down to trial and error.

Bf4m...Sorry about the chick, enjoy the others!

FT... like the bonnet idea!

H&R... hope the kiddo gets better soon. Hard to see one of you kids feel so miserable.

Went Grandson #2s birthday party this afternoon. His birthday is Dec.22 but we have party for him in Jan. Tomorrow (today to you guys) ALL 4 of the grandsons get their Christmas present form us I got them an all day pass with a room at "Timber Ridge" water park at the Grand Geneva. They get so many toys and "other grandparents" always seem to get better stuff for them than I can so I thought this would be cool. They are looking forward to it!
Nothing like all day playing in nice warm water in the middle of winter! I just wish I could go to watch but I can't breath in there! Oh well, there will be pics for grandma.

Well, I'm very tired, got to finish a few things then off to bed,.... night all!

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