Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Tiki so sorry about your chook.... I swear the nice ones are the first to go.....

do some research.... I hope it is NOT fibro...

I wonder what type of email I will get today from the bride-to-be.....

It will be interesting to see how the whole Armstrong saga turns out.

Ok, time to hit the road! I hope I can get the heck out early, I want to see how the 4-H exhibits turned out (they were still judging on Wed when I was there).
Morning all!
Wow you guys were a bunch of Chatty Cathies!!
I went to Goodwill yesterday to get some "new" shirts and I found a beautiful wool Black/Gray Plaid winter coat. For $6.99!!!! It is at the cleaners. I also got a really cute red plaid winter vest for $4.99. And a few tees.

Ok so chicken experts....I am stumped. My Girls are shaking their heads-mostly it's the RO's and Valerie. I've checked them for bugs, didn't find any, they are in great weight so I'm not leaning toward internal parasites. I have not noticed any nasal discharge. I have not hear sneezing and they are laying. They are not pale and their faces and waddles are a nice red. Eating like horses and drinking well.
So I treated them with Terramycin in their water. That helped a little but still they are shaking. I next step is to try Sulmet and to get new waterers. I don't think Bioslime is an issue since they are relatively healthy except for the head shaking, but with new waterers I can rule that out. I can give them shots too. I have Oxy-tet and Tylan injectables. Is there some type if parasite I'm missing? I've not seen mites or lice....something other then either of those?
I will say that their coop has been more dusty then normal this year.( Ok, that sentence does not look right!) So, do you think it might be dust related? I also changed feed from Nutrena Nature Wise to Nutrena Country feeds. The protein is lower but the feed has a meat and bone meal in it. They actually are laying better on the Country Feed vs. the Nature Wise.
I think what has me so stumped is that it seems to be bothering the muffed and bearded Girls more then the other ones but I can't find anything different on them that would help.

Well, I'd best be going...need to clean rabbits and Elvis. Oh!! DH was telling me that Blains is having some sort of event. I wasn't paying too much attention until DH said that they want Elvis to attend! Apparently, some of the Big Wigs were at the Taking the Reins event and saw him and fell in loooove.

Ok later gators....
Good morning...MLH do you think it could have something to do with molting? All that little feathershaft stuff getting in their ears? I dont think chickens get earmites do they? You could put a drop of vetRx in their ears. It says it works for ear canker and mites in rabbits...worth a try.
Just taped another quail's legs. This one is that last to hatch and it has not been thrifty so far in its 3 day life. Might turn around.
Cooking today...cranberry glazed pork roast. Should be yummy!
Thanks for the info on your sweet little hen Tiki. So sad she is missing--I wont say gone for sure though...look EVERYWHERE!
Well, I guess I better head out...have a great one everybody! TerriOreallyhungrynowthatporkroastwasmentioned
Tiki, so sorry to hear about Mayzee. Sounds like she is a wonderful and unique chickie! Hope you find her safe and sound somewhere. She might have some stories to tell you!
Tiki... How heartbreaking.
Gosh I hope she comes along! I wish we lived closer so the girl and I could come and help look everywhere as Terri suggested. xo

CindLady & Kim & Terri -Thanks so so much for the feedback! Yesterday aft I put gimpy Shandy in our doggie's huge old crate. She's in the garage and was placidly relaxing when we went to check on her this morning. Then we fed her mealworms
-ok hubs did cuz I think I'd hurl if I did it.
GAH! I don't know how you guys do it!

I'm feeling pretty lucky that Terri's coming over for a house call today! Maybe she'll let me give her a manicure to say thanks... any bets?

Happy Birthday Tomski!!!!!

Hi CaseyD & Judge and any others I haven't met before!!!!
Amy.... If you could send some seeds I'll pay postage. I think I have a good spot for them since they like sun.
Don't worry about postage, the seeds are tiny, about 1/3 the size of tomato seeds. One stamp will do it. PM me your addy and I'll get some out to you when I collect seeds.
Now THAT was a birthday wish! FT if everything doesnt come true for you I dont know what else could be done!!! Happy Day!

So I checked MXM's Wellie out and there doesnt really seem to be any physical problem with her. All legs work as they should except that she is weak on the left one. Margaret did say that there was a bit of a commotion with an umbrella just before she went lame so we are leaning toward that as a cause. Her coop is plenty big but not really enough space for 5 spastic chickens freaking out over something! I think she just got bruised or banged up in the muddle. Fingers crossed for a quick recovery.

OK--niow I have to go out and bathe my horse for the birthday party tomorrow....it should be lots of fun! I will take pics!

Later all--Terri O

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