Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good Morning Everyone! So many recipe's that sound good! WELCOME JustJohn! Hope you enjoy our banter. Raim good job on the loss! Jim first off Happy B'day! And I was gonna tell Kris to not feed them for 2-3 days bet they'd eat what was in front of them then. mazo that's a good one. I went from one day of getting 3 eggs and 5 the next to 4 and 6.
OK I know I'm gonna hear about this but.... I went down to Donny's and picked out a couple EE mutts around 6:30 last night. Left them in the cage for half an hour and everyone came to investigate, Peatwo did the dance claiming them and telling them who was in charge. Put them in the run for awhile, they wanted out so bad to be with the other birds. Put Peatwo in with them and they took to him right away. Everyone went to bed and I let them in the coop they walked around and checked it out and went right up on the roost. After a little while they found their safe spot. Around 8 I went and checked on them and they were snuggled right up to some other hens. I let them out with the others this morning and are in the process of finding their niche. Sparkey is trying so hard to make them his but they don't want any part of him. No Quarantine, no homing time.
Happy Birthday Jim!!

I was up at Apyl's trying to get the van she sold me to work, last ditch effort, to no avail. it now resides at a salvage yard.
Well off to feed critters, and check on the dogs/cats/and canaries of my barn owner she went up to Alaska with her daughter to go see her
other daughter, grand daughters and great grand kids!!
Good AM, thanks for the birthday wishes.. I didn't tell anyone .. I went to play cards and they had a cake for me.. of course nobody just let me win.. their generosity ended at the cake, I guess..

My shaft should be ready today if Bill could "work it in"..

All the guinea keets made it through the night OK.. we officially have NO birds in the house..

I got zero calls for the birds I listed in the shopper.. I guess craig's list will be my next option..

No word about Adam's driving test ??

DrHa I t sounds like the EEs will do fine. Maybe QT is over rated sometimes. Happy Birthday Jim. I got a message on my machine said Sandie is very busy canning. TO sorry about the pullet. :hugs Thought the roo must be some silver laced dotte and a lot of other things. Glad the horses werent hurt So funny about the fantasy football. Love that crazy chickem picture. bl4 keep hangin in there. Congrats on the huge egg BBP. Marg :hugs for you and :hugs for Shandy. CC I hope that big bird stays away. :/ Feed the crows, they will harrass big birds. Cindlady and GR you's a doing a good job with your medicine woman stuff. :D Welcome newbees
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Jim, do you have any large fowl younger pullets that are somehwhat friendly? Is anyone coming down from that way for the bash? Thought I would ask...

First soccer practice of the season is tonight and my kids are finally the "big kids in their league" They were the oldest and some of the biggest in 4k last year, but they do 4k and K together for their league so we really will be the biggest. They are super excited... lets hope we have a good coach that makes it fun for them. DS is easily distracted and crazy if not. Waiting for someone to tell me he as ADHD at some point...

Just did some grocery shopping on my lunch hour. Now that I have one day to myself with no work adn kids, I have time to coupon more and try to find the deals. Besides cleaning teh house, making a menu etc.

Thanks for all the great ideas everyone... your receipes are on the board. Picky husband is the worst. At dinner last night I asked everyone to give me some ideas for the board- each of the kiddos gave me 3 or 4 ideas... DH answer was i dont know... ugh. really... nothing you like and want...
with this chillier weather coming, cant wait to make the hamburger soup. But Pick N save has a great deal on whole chickens for those that dont process their own... so we are having roasted chicken on Friday night and then chicken noodle soup on the weekend... both suggested by my kids.
does anyone have experience with bobwhite quail?

I took my 2 year old to children's museum in madison yesterday and up on the roof they have an outdoor garden, lawn, and lots of other stuff including pigeons and chickens(a barred rock,4-5 buff orpingtons)and chicks. it called the rooftop ramble. it is cool to visit if you have the chance, it is spitting distance from the capital building. anyway, I stop to chat with the person in charge of the rooftop about the birds and we talked about 45 minutes( i'm sure you all understand how time flies when talking amongst chicken peeps) and she says she was looking for a way to have birds in her small indoor area on the roof over the winter when the outside is cold and not so interesting to the kids. I suggested quail as I have quail (Thanks TeriO) she says they would have to be indigenous quail to meet her mission statement, so we talked bobwhites. I have an enclosure to lend her for the winter to display them in, and I will most likely donate the quail.

so my question is... How crazy are these bobwhites gonna get being boxed up all winter? We're talking 2 quail in a 3 foot by 2 foot barn shaped box with a place to see in the roof and the wall on one side.

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