Wobbly rooster


Nov 21, 2017
Brandon, SD
My rooster didn't crow this morning and I thought that was unusual. Found him on the floor of the coop kind of on his side looking up to the ceiling like he was a drunken sailor after long night out. I tried to put him out with the rest of the flock (all hens) and they attacked him. He's a young fella and has been trying to win the flock over but has a few of the older girls have yet to be convinced. I isolated him and he seems to have recovered. I put some dewormer in his water just in case he had a parasite issue. He's now up and and strutting around like he owns the coop.

My question is what could have caused this? Perhaps getting pecked in the head knocked him silly for a bit? I'm impressed that he seems to have recovered within 30 minutes, but I'm a bit skeptical about putting him back in with the girls again. Anyone ever had something like this?
I have had birds fly off the roost and hit their heads on the wall. One died, the others eventually shook it off. Best not to frighten birds on the roost. So if he's recovering that would be my guess as to what happened.

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