Wyandotte crosses


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2015
This page is exclusively for breeders who have Wyandotte crosses and have any advice to share about crossing Wyandottes. Also if any one has pictures of Wyandotte crosses please upload them onto here and most importantly of all spread the message!!!
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Not a breeder of Wyandottes, but I did get a really pretty hen from a bsl rooster over a slw hen....

She was immature in this pic, she's filled out quite a bit and is noticeably heavier than my barred rock hens. I'd planned to put her under my dark Cornish rooster for some meat bird chicks, but space and health issues aren't cooperating.
Do you have an up to date pic of her. Also what is a bsl rooster?

You can't see her well in this pic and my camera's not cooperating right now.

bsl means black sex link. Not the rooster pictured, just to avoid confusion.

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