Wyoming Unite!!!!

This weather is so unusual for February. It was -5 at 5 am and it's up to zero now at 7:30. At least we have sunshine and I will let the birds out this morning even if it's still cold. No wind.

On the bright side I've had chicks hatching since last evening. 8 chicks so far and at least 12 more eggs pipped. :jumpy

What breed of chicks are hatching? Congrats on the 8 so far.
What breed of chicks are hatching? Congrats on the 8 so far.

I have 3 of @R2elk 's Brown Leghorn/Legbar hens and a pair of his Sapphires. They were doing most of the egg laying when I started collecting. So most of the chicks that have hatched have come out of blue eggs. My other breeding rooster besides the Sapphire is a Red Leghorn. My 4 yr old Cochin rooster hasn't been doing any breeding that I have noticed. So all the chicks that hatch will have a lot of Leghorn in them.
Looks like I also have a Speckled Sussex and an Australorp that have hatched.
15 chicks so far and several more eggs are pipped. I started with 26 eggs. :D
I have 3 of @R2elk 's Brown Leghorn/Legbar hens and a pair of his Sapphires. They were doing most of the egg laying when I started collecting. So most of the chicks that have hatched have come out of blue eggs. My other breeding rooster besides the Sapphire is a Red Leghorn. My 4 yr old Cochin rooster hasn't been doing any breeding that I have noticed. So all the chicks that hatch will have a lot of Leghorn in them.
Looks like I also have a Speckled Sussex and an Australorp that have hatched.
15 chicks so far and several more eggs are pipped. I started with 26 eggs. :D

Quite a nice bump in the flock population! :thumbsup

This is one of the best hatches I've had in a long time. 22 out of 26 eggs hatched! All 11 of the blue eggs hatched. Now let's hope they aren't all roosters..... :D
There are a few feathered legs, aren't there? Looks like I got a couple of Sapphires too. :D
Not likely that you got any Sapphires. Sapphires are only the F1 generation of Cream Legbar/White Leghorn crosses. They are a hybrid and will not breed true in future generations. White Leghorns are a possibility.
Some of the guineas decided to leave their run this morning. I opened the door so they could get back into the coop. While I was standing beside a Rocky mountain Juniper, I heard a rustling beside and looked over to see this within 5' of my face.
Great Horned Owl

Surprisingly it stayed put long enough that I was able to put the guineas back in their run and get the camera and take some pics.


Taking off


After it moved to the spruce tree, seven Blue Jays decided to harass it.
Wow, I've never been that close to one of those Bob...great photo opportunity for you!

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