Wyoming Unite!!!!

Hi, nice to meet ya.Don't worry about getting chicks before the barn. Think of it as motivation. I have 12 3 month olds living in the old dog kennel and 20 2 week olds in the garage. I spend every afternoon painting and building my coop and run. It should be done by next weekend.
I am surprised that there is not more people on this forum from Wyoming. I know a ton of people that have chickens around the area so figured there would be more. This is such a good forum.
Hello...sorry it has been so long since I have been online....been a busy summer building coops! I tend to spend less time online during the summer...too much fun outside playing with the chickens. I have my flock down to about 84 now, but I am always on the hunt for more. I am pretty picky though. We have built two new coops and hopefully by fall we will have the breeding pens built off of them so I can separate my breeds. Right now my flock is all running together. I did hatch out some of my mix and came up with some interesting mixes...I have one cream legbar houdan mix that is a pretty interesting looking little cockerel. I hope everyone is having a great summer. :)
Well another almost Wyoming resident. I live in Star Valley 1/2 a mile across the border in Idaho. I have a flock of 29 currently. Mostly French Black Copper Marans, blue and black Orpingtons, bantam cochin, Mille fleur d'uccle, ameraucana, Black Tailed Buff Marans, EE, and few others that I can't think of. Hoping to hatch out Orpingtons, marans and olive eggers next spring. Already have people anxiously awaiting marans.
Hi every one from Glenrock (east of Casper)! We currently have 10 silver laced wyandotte pullets. We hope to add Blue lace reds LF and bantams and some cornish cross in the spring. I'm so glad to see ya'll here! I have no idea why I didn't look for this thread earlier.

In just a short few months I have become the crazy chicken lady, even my DH calls me crazy

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