Wyoming Unite!!!!

Well My name is Scott also.  I live in Lander also.  I was hit with the chicken bug last year early spring and have not seen a let up at all.  LOL.  I have well over 100 chickens 6 different coops right now and over 20 different types of chickens.  Alot of them rare types Maren's, Barenevelders, Isbars Jubilees, and so on.  I enjoy learning about them and just being around them.  I have tried hatching some out and have not had a lot of success. I look forward to meeting all of you and maybe trading some. 

Scott, I lived in riverton and worked in Lander. I love it there. Do you have any barnevelders left?
Is this wind ever going to stop?? Discouraging!

Well my husband and I have decided no more animals this year. We have a lot of house projects to take care of, thanks to this wind. Our house is just getting sandblasted so we need to repaint. Then there is roofing repair, also wind related. Have to fix our driveway. Have to fix our porch and sunroom. I'm doing a big garden this year. So no more birds. Last year we bought a lot. A whole lot. Had a pretty incredible turkey slaughter. This year it's a no go. Too busy to take care of any more animals.

Hopefully next year we'll be all ready to buy more than ever!

I should admit I have plans to hatch out duck eggs this year. Only have 3 ducks right now and that's just not enough!
Is this wind ever going to stop?? Discouraging!

It is Wyoming, we don't have a non-windy season.

I did live in a spot in Wyoming back in among the canyon walls that the wind almost never blew. I also know of a site on the western side of the state that a wind farm was put in without doing a site survey for wind conditions. After construction they waited impatiently for the turbines to start turning. Eventually they checked historical wind data for the area and found to their amazement that the average wind speed for their site was 5 mph.

I notice that as bad as the wind blows here there usually is a brief time during the day or night that the wind calms down or stops. Depending on the season it is usually in the morning or the evening but it is extremely rare to not have winds blowing for a full day. This winter has seemed to be stronger winds than usual.

Hope it calms down for you soon.
It is Wyoming, we don't have a non-windy season.

I did live in a spot in Wyoming back in among the canyon walls that the wind almost never blew. I also know of a site on the western side of the state that a wind farm was put in without doing a site survey for wind conditions. After construction they waited impatiently for the turbines to start turning. Eventually they checked historical wind data for the area and found to their amazement that the average wind speed for their site was 5 mph.

I notice that as bad as the wind blows here there usually is a brief time during the day or night that the wind calms down or stops. Depending on the season it is usually in the morning or the evening but it is extremely rare to not have winds blowing for a full day. This winter has seemed to be stronger winds than usual.

Hope it calms down for you soon.
Last night and this morning I swear I wasn't going to be able to drive west. Totally getting blown east. I almost became a Nebraskan! lol The peacocks sure do hate that wind!
Great coop! Mine is in a spare room in our basement at the moment with two very spoiled Buff Orpingtons living in it. Took them outside for about 10 minutes on Saturday, they loved it. Wish it would quit snowing on Sheridan so I can even think about moving them outside. They will be one month old in two days.
Woke up this morning to cold and lots of snow, and I have to drive to Cody this morning. Heard you guys already have 7 inches in some places. Any hints on road conditions? I'll check back before I head out. Rats! And I just put the girls (and Charlie) out in the coop yesterday. Poor babies!
Oh wow!! This is awesome!! I will head over to fb and join. We are relocating from tx to Sheridan this summer..need to find some chicken friemds!! Sadly, im selling my flock nefore arriving. I love to hatch banies, and will need to start over. Im wanting 4 breeds, 4 hens and a roo of each. So far, Brahmas are on my list. Seramas are my favorite breed, but they arent cold hardy.. so im selling them, my silkies and my showgirls! Bummed, but it makes the most sense. Plus, traveling from tx to wy with dogs cats and chickens?? Hmmm. My kids already think im crazy.. haha
Oh wow!! This is awesome!! I will head over to fb and join. We are relocating from tx to Sheridan this summer..need to find some chicken friemds!! Sadly, im selling my flock nefore arriving. I love to hatch banies, and will need to start over. Im wanting 4 breeds, 4 hens and a roo of each. So far, Brahmas are on my list. Seramas are my favorite breed, but they arent cold hardy.. so im selling them, my silkies and my showgirls! Bummed, but it makes the most sense. Plus, traveling from tx to wy with dogs cats and chickens?? Hmmm. My kids already think im crazy.. haha
Let us know when you get close to your moving-to-heaven-on-earth date! I am surprised at how many people in the Sheridan area have chickens.....we are just over the mountain from there. It's a short drive up, over and back down from us.

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