Yearly preventative from Parasites and Disease.

Pretty good video! He says there is no treatment for blackhead and this is not true. Blackhead can be treated if caught early enough. Treatment is metronidazole, enrofloxacin, & fenbendazole.
It's a older video. Back in the day there wasn't and then there was then someone decided it was unsafe that more research needed to be done and then there is the treatment everyone uses now. The treatment your talking about..

March 2021...​

Treatment Blackhead disease​

Medications are available to treat domestic and captive birds. Fenbendazole, indicated for the removal and control of Heterakis, is the only drug currently approved for use in turkeys.3 Hygromycin B and Fenbendazole are currently approved for the treatment and control of Heterakis in chickens.3 A reliable vaccine does not currently exist.
Penn Vet | Fact Sheet Detail

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