You know you love your chickens when...

You know you love your chickens when; you are running around in the middle of a bad storm, getting soaking wet, to get them in the chicken house where they will be safe, warm and dry. lol At least they were dry and warm.
I guess you could say that your birds are not smart enough to come in out of the rain then. Neither are mine. Check out poor Daisy after a recent storm.


Fluff off that water


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My poor little silkie was a mess too, she was dripping, the others seemed to 'weather' it better than her. lol. Your daisy looks a little soggy too. Gotta love 'em!
My vhicken house (or as friends call it, chicken mansion) is safe with buried hardware cloth all around it. The attached run I had been done the same, it is covered. If they are in there, they are safe. However, I let them out from morning to dusk to free range. They come when I call them, go straight into the run. They are a joy for my family.

I am not a fan of the clipping of wings, I would want them to be able to escape a predator if the need arose. After all that was how the Lord intended them to be. Also I understand your concern.

My flock just love the garden, especially the fresh vegetables that I feed them, they eat like they haven't had food for days. Love cucumbers and the apples fallen from my trees.

We have always had a hard time keeping chickens in the past, but had no special chicken domain until I got these. They just free ranged 24/7. That never worked out, they always eventually fell pray, probably to the Bobcats. This seems to be doing well forthem. They are ready to go in before dark. I have the outside set up with motion lights as well as pathway lights around the perimeter, at dusk I close up the chicken house for the night. If something did manage to get into the run (not likely) they can not get inside to get my girls.

I had some treats for them yesterday, could not locate one, searched high and low, started to get really concerned for her, then found her under one of my shrubs dusting. I was scared something had happened to her up until then. Funny how they are almost like children.

Sounds like you have you some very wonderful neighbors. You are lucky to have them.
We love our neighbors! Whenever you buy a house it's a roll of the dice if you will like your neighbors and vice versa. Ours are fabulous. We have so many similar interests aside from chickens. They have become like family. We celebrate Easter and Thanksgiving with them and their family because our family is so spread out!

Don't you love when there is that one chicken that is having too much fun to come home??? Then all of a sudden there is squawking and they come running/flying across the yard!

We don't have bobcats, but we do have raccoons. They did in some of my chicks earlier in the spring, so we've been predator proofing the run. It is entirely enclose with buried hardware cloth, but we didn't think about spaces between the run and the coop, like under the ladder! That is where they snuck under the coop!

Clever critters.

Mine only free range in the evening. That way we know that they are back!
You know you love your chickens when...
You can make their sounds and they talk back. My husband lol about this. He swears they are having a conversation with me
When one of your favorite times of the day is going outside after work and feeding the chickens snacks (and your other favorite time is checking the nesting boxes for eggs).

When you have more pictures of chickens on your phone than people. And when other people talk about their kids and dogs you start pulling up chicken pictures without hesitation.

When you have 6 nearly identical sex links and you can tell them all apart from across the yard based on small subtleties, their personality, their walk, etc.
And when other people talk about their kids and dogs you start pulling up chicken pictures without hesitation.
LOL. Do people admire them when you pull out the photos? Aside from the fact that I love my chickens, I think chickens are very photogenic.

You know you love your chickens when you take them a bowl of yoghurt and, as they dig in enthusiastically and start flicking it all over you, you stand there smiling at them instead of leaving quickly.

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