Young Hen Died Suddenly

Mango's mom

In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2017
We have 3 sex-linked reds (Petunia, Mango and Nugget). We got them in June when they were about 5-6 months old. Within a month we started getting eggs and in the last week we were getting 3 eggs a day! We absolutely love our girls! We are feeding them Layer Crumble, with handfuls of scratch and meal worms (occasionally). Lots of fresh water as it has been super hot here (high 90's). I clean their coop regularly. There didn't seem to be any troubles among the hens. They all seemed to get along pretty well. One girl (Nugget), the one who died, was always a bit smaller than the other two. We check on them many times throughout the day. One time we checked on them. They all seemed pretty hot (laying down with mouths open). So we gave them fresh water and I hosed their coop down to cool off the area. They always have shade. They seemed to enjoy that. They all got up and started scratching at the damp ground. About an hour later, my son went out to check on them and his girl had died. When I picked her up, she did seem light and I could easily feel her breast bone. Any thoughts on what may have caused this? Is there something we could have done to prevent it? My son is devastated! I was thinking maybe the extreme heat and maybe she wasn't getting enough food some how. Although she always did seem to eat along with the others when we would feed them.

We would like to get him a new hen, but I'm not sure if it is a good idea or how to introduce a new hen. I will look at other forums and resources that I know are here!

Thanks for your help!

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