Your opinion? My ex's girlfriend kisses my 6 yr old on the lips

I've known it for some time and we were never kissed on the lips except my husband LOL! I had an aunt that has BAD cold sores and she kisses her husband, her sons and grandkids, they ALL got it! I was pretty hissey fit about my aunt kissing my DD on the lips and thankfully DD does not have any signs of the sores. I told my mother to tell my aunt NOT to kiss her on the lips. So my dentist and family doctor said the same thing about cold sores as well.

I'm with this school. 8 year old niece got oral herpes. She's not out dating and she still thinks boys have cooties when we asked her if she had kissed anyone at school she was completely grossed out! LOL! I think it came from a family member who kisses on the lips..... Now she's got this forever.
Actually, I wish that we got along. Since I left my ex he's made my life h---, just as he promised that he would. For the last 4 years, he's put filed petition after petition to the courts to take away my daughter. I've already gone to trial once and now have to go through it all over again.


My ex has two other daughters and one son. They're both grown.

Sorry, but that's just wrong. It would be one thing if it was a relative (that would still creep me out), but Daddy's flavor of the month? No way Jose!! Medical reasons aside, and at the risk of sounding childish....GROSS!!!
That's just wrong. i don't like to kiss my own kids on the lips. It never used to bother me until my daughter's got colds..then id get one. so i said forget it.. now it kind of grosses me out LOL. Good luck in your situation.
Actually, I wish that we got along. Since I left my ex he's made my life h---, just as he promised that he would. For the last 4 years, he's put filed petition after petition to the courts to take away my daughter. I've already gone to trial once and now have to go through it all over again.



In that case, I'm sorry. I know quite a few people in that situation and it's unfortunate for all those involved. Because he's difficult, I would caution you to pick your battles wisely. I don't envy you.
My daughter's father and his girlfriend aren't married. It's weird, for half a year they told my daughter that they were married, and then, they told her that it was just a joke. (I checked because of this custody thing. They were never married.) I do know that the girlfriend had a boy who died in an accident. It turns out that he would have been the same age as my daughter. The whole thing is going to end in a trial...again. Sometimes it's hard, but I've never said anything bad about either of them to my daughter because I wouldn't want to hurt her.

Sounds to me from what else you've posted regarding your custody situation that maybe you need to get a lawyer (if you dont have one already, and if you do, you need to ream him up one side and down the other or get another one) and get some sort of something straight regarding all of this if this is indeed whats going on. No ex should be allowed to continually drag the other into court and file petition after petition on unfounded accusations (if that is indeed the case) and get away with it. The court should see right through that immediately and begin to fine your ex for false accusations and remove your child from HIS custody for damaging her further. Get a new lawyer - I would.

No child should be used as a weapon in any divorce - before, during or after its final - and this is whats being done. No wonder children end up messed up as teenagers and young adults in life. You as her mother, if you have joint custody of your daughter, must ensure she's protected to the fullest, and this isnt about who's kissing who on the lips - this appears to go much much further than that simple issue from reading your futher posts.

Good luck sweetie and my prayers are with you and your daughter. Fight for her because she's too young to fight for herself.

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