Your opinion? My ex's girlfriend kisses my 6 yr old on the lips


15 Years
Feb 5, 2008
Whenever my daughter goes to visit her father, his girlfriend kisses my daughter on the lips. This bothers me. I think that it's okay for my daughter to love his girlfriend, but my daughter doesn't kiss anyone else on the lips. My ex's girlfriend doesn't even kiss her own son on the lips. What do you think?


Some people do this with their own kids and I think that's okay if it's what they are comfortable with. I have seen lots of parents kiss their own kids on the lips, but I never did. I just didn't feel comfortable with that. On the cheeks, the forehead... that's all okay, but not on the lips. Notice that I did say their own kids.

I would talk to her father and ask him to tell his girlfriend that you are not comfortable with this. If she is a decent person, she will respect your wishes and stop. You are the mom, so you have a right to stop anything that you aren't comfortable with, in my opinion.

Edited to add: My daughter's father and his ex-wife always kissed their kids on the lips. It was just meant to be affectionate, but not as anything inappropriate. I calmly told him that this was okay with his other kids, but I didn't feel comfortable with it. I asked if he would please kiss our daughter on the cheek instead. I know he meant nothing bad by doing this, but it just wasn't how I was raised so I asked him to stop. He respected my wishes. I hope you have the same luck!
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I agree with mom2chicksandpups. If you don't feel comfortable with it, let her know.
I have let them know that I'm uncomfortable with it and it continues to happen. My daughter's father is trying to get custody of my daughter. This irks me, but I wanted to know how other people felt about this issue. Any other thoughts?


I have some friends that kiss on the lips and some that don't. In my experience, it is a cultural thing and not to be worried about unless someone has a cold OR it makes your daughter uncomfortable. If it does make her uncomfortable, I am sure your ex's girlfriend would be glad to adjust her actions if you mention it to her. If it does not make her uncomfortable, I would let it go.
If you let them know you weren't comfortable with this and she keeps doing it, maybe you should get the advice of your divorce lawyer. That could possibly be something you could use in court somehow. (?) I think it's immature not to respect the mother's (or father's) wishes on something like this.

Good luck to you with the custody issue!
That would bother me too. I would point blank tell him to tell to stop doing that. Im sorry but im just like that. If you are too nice to some peaple they take advantage and do not respect you. Sorry to hear that you are going through this. It must be hard. In your case you have to be nice, so be nice and go through the system and tell them what she is doing.
I've let my lawyer know about this and my daughter's father won't stop this from happening and the law guardian ignores it. I wanted to know what a lot of people thought about this. If it's not a big thing, I won't stress about it. I want to know if I'm overacting.


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