Search results for query: *

  1. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Joe, I have a rescued chocolate lab that was about 4 years old when I first got my chicks. Thanks to her, I have no woodchucks or gophers on the property anymore. She chases everything squirrel, chipmunk, raccoon, opossum, rabbit, coyote, and even skunk (three times at last count.) Therefore, I...
  2. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So excited I've just got to share! I'm a grandma again. Nesco was born . . er. . hatched sometime early this morning. Not sure if Nesco is a pullet or a cockerel, bit it looks just like Daddy - minus the comb, feathers, and attitude of course. Named Nesco because after I took the eggs away...
  3. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Going to a "FUR AND FEATHERS" or 'FEATHERS AND FUR" event in Walworth on Saturday morning. Anyone going to be there? Gotta leave here by 5:00 and drive to my DS's MIL's house. From there we'll drive together. Dear Lord, save me from chicken math this day, I pray!
  4. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Ah-h-h-h! Finally got caught up. Durned computer was down since Friday night. I've been having withdrawal pangs for 5 days now. Got back on line this morning 'bout 10 and I've been trying to catch up on all the backlog of mail since about noon. You all are important! This is the first...
  5. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Happy birthday, Terri O! You certainly got wonderful weather for you B-day. Took what might be our last walk-about before winter finally arrives in south-est, central-est Wisconsin. Hung clothes on the line. Built a 'porch' for the chicken coop. It's been a beautiful, busy da. Still trying to...
  6. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: I just save the oldest E-mail and delete the rest unread. Figure I can get to the newer posts through the older one.
  7. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Tatter's Dictionary: innocent -- (adj) as yet not caught, charged, or found guilty; so far being lucky in shady activities; having the appearance of being without guile. Webster's Dictionary: innocent -- (adj) conforming to a high standard of morality; not having hurtful or injurious...
  8. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Yesterday was a fantastic day - weather wise - here in south-est, central-est Wisconsin! I actually went out for a walk-about around the property. . . something I haven't done since I started getting ready for winter in mid October. Today is supposed to be even better! Don't know just what I'll...
  9. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Howdy, GHJL-- ! Ever eat breakfast at Mary's Place in So. Beloit? See, I'm really and truly in south-est, central-est Wisconsin. Welcome to the BYC Cheeseheads group, 'formerly from Beloit'. Me, too! My early years were spent mostly between Hackett and Fourth; Liberty and Roosevelt...
  10. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Too bad you are Up North and I am South-est, central-est. DH got a new coffee maker for Christmas so I need to recycle my old but fine working one. It will probably end up at GoodWill. Sigh! I don't do charitable contributions this year since I can't itemize.
  11. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: I am with DrH! Every nice day we have brings us a day closer to spring, just as every cold, wintry day brings us a day closer to spring. There is no Mother Nature waiting to get even. The weather is what the weather is and this year has been good so far, IMHO. I, for one, am...
  12. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Keep me in mind. Near Janesville is good. I also don't mind meeting with like (chicken) minded people.
  13. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: Might I suggest a very small change to your question? Instead of "how much sperm a male -- " let's go with "how much a sperm whale male -- " My boat. . . er, bed. . . couldn't handle the ebb and flow.
  14. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    ...but I know I can read anything you write. I live in a city and I want to raise bantam chickens.javascript:insert_text('',%20''); Gypsy M. B. * * * Nesting with 5 Australorp and 5 Lt. Brahma hens plus 'The Count of Monte Cristo' - or Monte, for short - one beautiful, well-behaved...
  15. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    ...I took his sister with me to pick up my chicks last May, I know he would want to be on hand to 'adopt' his chicks. Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) * * * Nesting with 5 Australorp and 5 Lt. Brahma hens plus 'The Count of Monte Cristo' - or Monte for short - one beautiful, well-behaved...
  16. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    ...them at Farm and Fleet this spring when I got my chicks. Do you know of a source for about 5 pullets and a rooster? Love, Linn B (aka Smart Red) * * * Nesting with 5 Australorp and 5 Lt. Brahma hens plus 'The Count of Monte Cristo' - or Monte for short - one beautiful, well-behaved...
  17. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    My Sunday was a beautiful day here for December! I finished my new pop door. I really like having a sliding door. Also like having inside where I'm opening and closing it out of the wind and weather. So much easier to operate than the outside opening one. I should get it painted before the...
  18. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Beautiful - but cold - day to day. Last night was our coldest so far. . . just above 16 degrees. By the time I got to the chicken coop, the inside was just over 40 degrees. Granted, I wasn't the first bird up, but I was outside by 8:00. Sort of wondering if the chickens will be too warm...
  19. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: I just got my chicks in May and my coop in September, but. . . I raised chickens here about 25 years ago. I kept them in part of a drafty storage shed - no doors or window glass. I did sort of cover the wire enclosure with plastic to stop the wind as much as possible. The only time...
  20. Linn Bee

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Quote: You should have ask just a bit earlier! I WAS available. I found out Monday that I'm doing the big feast. Got to the grocery store late this evening. Sigh! Not really worried; I've been doing TD dinner for years, but it is a bit of a late start. On the other hand, I am retired...
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