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  1. Crazy4cochins

    Hens back is bare and huge gashes on back !!

    I came to find 4 chickens and 1 duck dead. Whatever it did it killed them and left the others, Butter got away but her back is bare and she has these huge gashes on it. Can I use steri strips on it.??
  2. Crazy4cochins

    Going to hatch ducklings need some tips.

    ok so I have the incubator running , it's been on for a few hours, so I am needing some tips I am using a Little Giant still air incubator.I have pekin and possibly pekin-runner mix eggs to go in tonight. I have looked online and some people say 99.5 degrees but the humidity is confusing. I have...
  3. Crazy4cochins

    Mixed ducks pekin-runner anyone have any?

    i want to see your pictures of your 1/2 runner and 1/2 pekin ducklings, if mine are mixed I want to know if I'd be able to tell the difference between the babies. I also have a pure drake thats a pekin, so theres a chance for a few pure ones to. Or if anyone knows a site that has pictures. Thanks
  4. Crazy4cochins

    Fawn and white runners??? Pics

    See how theres a little dark coloring around it's bill, Is that a sign of a boy or girl? One has it and the ther does not. Are these fawn and white runners? they stand upright when the run. I have a black runner but he's like a year old and these are still babies, I got them in April.
  5. Crazy4cochins

    Fertile pekin egg question.breeding pair

    ok I have a drake pekin and a female pekin and a black runner drake. the pekin drake is dominant and even mates the blk runner male.ewww anyways I am at 8 duck eggs so far and want to sell them to someone to incubate. what are the odds the pekin eggs could be a mixed breed. Duck behavior i...
  6. Crazy4cochins

    When can these mess makers go ouside??

    I can't find it on here for some reason I have 2 pekin and 2 runner s that are getting big and I wanna know when I can put them out. they are still fluffy but have white underneath, the pekins are the size of my small She s full grown but anywyas I have 3 adults already outside 1...
  7. Crazy4cochins

    Anyone help me with little call ducks leg problem?

    I have a tiny little duckling that walk weird, Its small and can't keep balance ,it looks like on leg goes out to the side(left) and the right stays underneath. Today it wanted to get in the pool with the other and I let it and she about drown!!! New to duck and I don't know maybe I should give...
  8. Crazy4cochins

    DH finally said yes!!!! Now what kind is this?Pic

    I got me some ducks, finally after a few years of begging Now I am a newbie and I need some I think I have 2 runners and 2 are suppose to be pekins and 1 unknown. . this is what it looks like. It doesn't walk upright like the runners I have and is very small compared to my "pekins" Any...
  9. Crazy4cochins

    Need help on RIR laying

    I have some RIR hens that just are turning 1 year this week, they all moted and are now laying again. My question is 1. they say the first year they lay the most, ok as in the first true year ?? It takes 5-6 mos before they laid and now just finished there molts at like 7-8 mos. So now do I get...
  10. Crazy4cochins

    Is it time to put hens in my freezer???

    I have hens that are going to be 2 in March and I have new hens that lay and will be 1 in march soo I want to know if I should put the 2yr olds in the freezer?? They are molting now and I have like 40 ish chickens , I feel really guilty about doing it but we need to scale back the feed bill and...
  11. Crazy4cochins

    Need help.I want to make a rain garden in the yard.

    I have a terrible drainage problem !!!! Water flows right in front of my coop and out the gate area and settles in the yard under a tree, we have our septic above ground so there is a big mound so the water drains off it too. all of this selltles in the same area alomst. I am thinking if I put a...
  12. Crazy4cochins

    rooster has eye tumor

    I have been searching all over and can't find anything in dieases that is like my Mr. mouths eye problem. He had a small light yellow bump(Rice like)shape on the under back left side of his eye . had it for like 2 People had suggested maybe he got a piece of something in it but I am now...
  13. Crazy4cochins

    Feathers look thin???

    Hi sorry I have looked all over and cannot find anything on this,plus I don't know what it would be called anyways, The feathers on my chickens look thin and are not full like the babies. Ok when I say thin I mean look at the feathers and you can see lillte fine spaces in between, your not...
  14. Crazy4cochins

    Can I eat roo's that have lice?

    I have a few questions I need all anwsered at once. Question 1. I processed 3 RIR Roo's yesterday and as I was plucking the feathers I noticd dandruff like stuff, so I need to know if I can still eat them? 2. Is this lice or mites? I skinned them and brined them for almost 12 hours now, And this...
  15. Crazy4cochins

    Need awnsers to goat behavior

    Hi ,I am new to this section. Love my chickens but i am getting a couple goats from my freind and need advise. 1. How to let them know I am the boss right off the bat.I have experience with dog training Is it the same ? 2. the buck has horns, I am scared will he try to hook me? 3. I am getting...
  16. Crazy4cochins

    Blue Wheaton roo????

    Please help me tell if he is a blue wheaton or not.
  17. Crazy4cochins

    Question about being eggbound

    I just felt inside and a few seconds later a broken egg came out. It doesn't have all the shell. Can I somehow rinse her butt out?I have a syringe? well I mean in the past few days her shells have had spots on the egg with soild shell and some with very thin shell. So anywways it came out and...
  18. Crazy4cochins

    Need Professional chicken person advise on a few things .

    I need help to manange my flock. I have several questions and get tired of searching for each question. anwsers are soo different. Please help 1. My chickens have red streaks on feet and legs? 2. Stress , I introduced 28 newbaby's to coop. Is it possible to can cause runny butts? The older...
  19. Crazy4cochins

    Cloud, what is she?

    Cloud is a litle hen I got out of the bantam bin at our feed store last year,looked all over and I still have no idea what she is. Think her color would be called lavander? is this right?
  20. Crazy4cochins

    Where did all my eggs go????

    Ok, problem is my ladies have stopped laying? I usually get 12-14 eggs a day, I have 16 hens. I have been getting 1 blue egg from my tiny Japanese bantam every day, Important becuase I have Austrolps and BO EE's, why are they not laying? I have even started letting them free range. They are...
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