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  1. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I believe that one of my Dark Brahma's is thinking about going broody. She lurks in the nestbox for a long time and when I open it to look for eggs she flattens down, puffs out, and gets extremely defensive. I would dearly love to have more chickens, but I haven't the space.
  2. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I'm a week late, but if I'd have known how big the Brahmas were going to get -- twice the size of many chickens I've seen live in the feathers before -- I'd have built a bigger run and set the coop up at 2 feet off the ground instead of 18 inches.
  3. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    My backyard, hatchery Brahmas -- two dark hens and a light rooster from Ideal -- are impressing people with their size. Marion is now over two feet tall at about 9 months old. Noodle and Kiev are twice the size of a friend's hens (mixed hens from Tractor Supply and the second generation from an...
  4. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    He is stunning!
  5. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    The snow and ice are melting today. Brahmas are NOT happy about wet feet. I threw a bunch of dry shavings down in the run for them and they perked up nicely.
  6. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I forgot to say that I have no idea what he weighs but Marion stands about 2 feet tall.
  7. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I've had occasion to show my chickens to several people who have known chickens and they all comment on how big my Light Brahma rooster is. He's a hatchery bird (Ideal), only 7 months old. I'm sort of wondering how big he's actually going to get. How big are the Brahma roosters in your...
  8. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    My ladies have started laying. In the mixed flock I don't know which breed started first, but I've caught both of the dark brahmas in the nest box. With my flock of 2 Dark Brahmas, two Delawares, and Australorp, and a Black Langshan I'm getting up to 5 eggs a day. Most of them normal medium or...
  9. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Marion, my unexpected, Light Brahma rooster, gets handsomer by the day. That head! That wonderful comb! That 80's rock star "hairdo" with the flowing hackles! I've seen muddy footprints on the Delawares' backs and saw him chasing the Australorp around the other day so I know he's hitting the...
  10. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    My 6-month-old birds are almost fully-feathered in now (I'm not feeling feather sheathes while petting them anymore), and I'm amazed at how dense the two Dark Brahmas' feathers are. The Delawares' feathers are firm, hard, and smooth. The Brahmas' have an amazing, fluffy resiliency that is an...
  11. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Marion was hatched June 19 so he's 5 months old. The Red Boys were noisy at about 3 1/2 months.
  12. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    A month later Marion is developing quite a nice crow. Not as loud as the red boys who got sent to freezer camp, thankfully. And he has a pleasant tone to his voice. If no neighbors complain I'll keep him unless he becomes aggressive.
  13. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I've suspected it since he was only 4 weeks old. He was the biggest of the chicks and his comb was redder then than the adorable, tiny combs on the Big Red Boys. Several people assured me he could indeed be a she. But two weeks ago I saw him raise hackles at one of the boys and hens don't do that.
  14. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Not the best photos, but my reduced flock (the Big Red Boys went to camp), contains one Light Brahma and two Dark Brahmas. The darks are obviously ladies, but as I've long suspected, Rosemary is certainly a rooster. Naturally, he moved his head when I was going for the good picture...
  15. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I've got some good shots of Rosemary's head, neck, and back now. She (I hope she, not he), was hatched on June 19th so she's just over 8 weeks right now. With Noodle, the smaller of the Darks and Sesame, the smaller of the Delawares. You can get a good idea of her overall mass here. I...
  16. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Unfortunately, being EE tells you nothing about egg color. Its a marketing trick -- one that I consider to be treading on false advertizing territory -- to designate any mutt chicken with any blue egg layer breed somewhere in its genetic background as an Easter Egger. But there is always a...
  17. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Now that they've been in the run for several weeks and been given free access to the feed and plenty of ragweed from my untended garden and unsalable produce from the fruit stand where I work, Noodle has grown to the point where I can't tell her apart from Kiev anymore except when she comes up...
  18. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    I'm naming the chickens after chicken dishes to remind us all that chickens are, in the final analysis, food -- as much as we are enjoying them as pets. The only Light Brahma is Rosemary, because she (I have that head shot in the camera but the batteries died), is large and already has a...
  19. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    If its not raining after work tomorrow I'll try to get a picture of both Rosemary's head and the heads of the two Dark Brahmas. The dark girls' combs are much smaller, but they are also much smaller and their feathering seems to be less well developed. Rosemary didn't read any of the...
  20. 3KillerBs

    Backyard Brahmas!!

    Thank you. I must have misread my source then. I thought that the hens had only one row of bumps. I'll get more pictures this week on a day that isn't raining. While Noodle, the friendly, Dark Brahma, who begs to be picked up and petted is my favorite of the chicks, Rosemary/Rose-Marion, the...
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