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  1. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I have one broody coop. It was occupied by a silkie that hatched 3 Black Javas. Then a Cream Legbar goes broody, so I let her sit on whatever eggs are under her until I am ready to move the silkie and babies to main coop. I like to give chicks some time on clean ground before they are in the...
  2. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    If she is not better Saturday when I'm off work I'll have to figure something out. I just have the two roosters in with a bunch of girls and one rooster is a silkie so I was hoping she would have limited exposure since there are other more will prospects. I checked tonight an she is roosting on...
  3. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yep. Three with a broody silkie and in the brooder is 13 freedom rangers plus 3 more Javas from my little incubator plus an "oops wrong egg" not Java. Probably a BLRW X CCL. Excited to get a few of my Javas hatched. Got another broody. Going to put some Bresse eggs under her and maybe a few more...
  4. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I don't have a good place to isolate her. Normally I would use the brooder but it's full of chicks and the broody coop is full of broodies. I guess I'll keep an eye on her. Even with a bad limp she was hard to catch so maybe she'll do okay.
  5. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I got a pullet that is limping. Obviously doesn't want to put weight on her left. I've washed her feet and looked at them and can't find the problem. Any ideas?
  6. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I don't know if I could stand waiting all that time and not knowing. Good luck.
  7. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Those are so pretty. How long do they incubate and can you candle them.?
  8. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    The TSC in Murfreesboro is just right off I-24 next to Sam's Club. So it is easy to get to. All kinds of restaurants near by. And the Greenway is not too far away and has a picnic area.
  9. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Last year I got some Black Java eggs from North Carolina. Thought they sounded like a good dual purpose breed. I have been impressed with them. I have 4 pullets that are laying 3-4 medium to large eggs a day. They are big, beautiful chickens. My rooster has never given me a second of grief. I...
  10. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    They are big and they are beautiful. I ended up with one cockerel and 4 pullets. The four pullets are laying 3-4 eggs a day currently. they are not friendly but they are not aggressive at all. When someone decides to go broody I am going to be hatching some of those pretty brown eggs. One of the...
  11. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thinking ahead to spring, I'm wondering if anyone has one of those poultry pluckers that they would like to rent for a few hours.
  12. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

  13. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thanks. That sounds like a great idea!
  14. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    She definitely doesn't seem to be entirely healthy. I'm trying to treat her for impacted or sluggish crop. But I have chickens of all ages and sizes together and they have never been aggressive toward each other. I have had some young ones get sick and they have not attacked them like that. It's...
  15. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I have 9 barred rocks that are the oldest of my 33 chicks/chickens. The BRs are 16 months old. Last week I noticed one of the BRs (Merida) in the nest box at night. Her comb was kind of pale and she seemed a little thin but otherwise okay. The next day when I was on my way home from work my...
  16. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Never thought about that. It hasn't happened before. I just went out looking for a snake in the coop. Didn't find one. Also I've been giving them rooster booster for worms because I have a sickly 13 week old and don't know the cause that she is not eating.
  17. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    With over a dozen layers what are the chances that not one would lay an egg today?
  18. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

  19. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Look at Bulk Natural You can order online once a month it will be delivered at some location near you. That's where I get my feed for mine.
  20. n3kms

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I hear ya! I do like pine shavings but they seem to dissolve into the mud pretty quick with this volume of rain and I have to go buy more. Gets expensive for a large area.
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