November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

It has gone down to 45 humidity and I have turned the air conditioner on and the tiny room floor fan back on (fan does not hit the incubator), and put a sponge back in there. It should go down some more. It is still very warm and humid here, but supposed to get cooler soon.

I guess I am lucky I got really beautifully packaged eggs from 3 different people. Probably my pretty eggs won't hatch and the gross cracked ones will hatch show birds, LOL!

If someone want to try a few Buff Orpington eggs I could send 2 to 4 depending on what they lay this weekend, but my rooster died 10 days ago so it may be pushing it on the fertility. Wouldn't mind trying my hand at packing them as I have not shipped eggs before. I'm not NPIP yet, but everything coming on my property has been.

I'm looking forward to candling them next week. I have been compulsively watching You Tube videos on candling eggs. I did look at them before I put them in there but all I saw was air sacs.
Sooo excited..I have waited and waited on this EE to lay..well, turns out, she is an OE!! Whoot, one of most favorite colors in the OE's...I almost sold her! Glad I didn't. Now, if the EE cockerel I have would just start being a man, wow, she would be laying girls that could also lay OE eggs.

What a great color!! Nice size egg for a new layer too! Congrats!
Sooo excited..I have waited and waited on this EE to lay..well, turns out, she is an OE!! Whoot, one of most favorite colors in the OE's...I almost sold her! Glad I didn't. Now, if the EE cockerel I have would just start being a man, wow, she would be laying girls that could also lay OE eggs.

Pretty egg!! Congratulations.
Please tell me Green J isn't quitting on me already!




Including Green J I have 9 definite growers, all from Green Batch. Purple Batch has questionable air cells and doesn't seem too lively. Considering the failure of Blue Batch I'm so nervous about these guys. They're already doing so much better than the others ever did.
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My daughters and I just did our 7 day candle.... we have one I am pretty sure is a clear...2 that show some color at the top but I am unsure about, 2 that are too dark to see anything, and.... we saw dancing...4 eggs out of 17 looked like they were doing the conga in there! Whooo hoo and a few with good veins. SO far I feel good about these
Please tell me Green J isn't quitting on me already!

Including Green J I have 9 definite growers, all from Green Batch. Purple Batch has questionable air cells and doesn't seem too lively. Considering the failure of Blue Batch I'm so nervous about these guys. They're already doing so much better than the others ever did.

Oh oh. :/
My daughters and I just did our 7 day candle.... we have one I am pretty sure is a clear...2 that show some color at the top but I am unsure about, 2 that are too dark to see anything, and.... we saw dancing...4 eggs out of 17 looked like they were doing the conga in there! Whooo hoo and a few with good veins. SO far I feel good about these

Yaay, remember, don't throw any out that are questionable. You may see more dancing by day 10! After that, you should be pretty sure which ones aren't dong anything.
I am so sad! We had to leave town for 2 days, came back and found one of my hens in the wrong nest box, and her eggs were cold. I think she was only off of them for a while one day, so I am hoping there is still a chance for them. I tried candling them, and didn't see movement except possibly in one, but it could have been my hand accidentally moving it. I think we lost them all. I put her back on them anyway, just in case. I will do a proper candling tomorrow, and decide what to do then. I am going back and forth between giving her fresh eggs to start over with, or just taking 5 eggs from the other nest for her. I think she could gandle starting over, because she gets off the nest once every day, unlike other broodies I have who would sit for several days at a time without moving at all. But it would also still be cool to have both hens' eggs hatch at the same time... decisions, decisions!
I also did a quick candling of the other nest today, and found one clear egg, and the other 11 looked perfect. So, out of 24 eggs (12 eggs each), 23 are/were developing.
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