November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!


Happy healthy hatching. 100%
My daughters and I just did our 7 day candle.... we have one I am pretty sure is a clear...2 that show some color at the top but I am unsure about, 2 that are too dark to see anything, and.... we saw dancing...4 eggs out of 17 looked like they were doing the conga in there! Whooo hoo and a few with good veins. SO far I feel good about these
So fun that you got to see dancing chicks!
Just two Silver Laced Wyandottes are viable from my shipped eggs. Going into lockdown tomorrow! Any hatchling that makes it will get to live with my 2 week old Silkies in the brooder. I figure the sizes won't be too far of, since Silkies are petite and SLWs are big chickens.

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