November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Just two Silver Laced Wyandottes are viable from my shipped eggs. Going into lockdown tomorrow! Any hatchling that makes it will get to live with my 2 week old Silkies in the brooder. I figure the sizes won't be too far of, since Silkies are petite and SLWs are big chickens. 

Good luck :)
Yeah, what she said:)

I'm hand turning/ elevating alternate sides I planned for around 20 ended up receiving 27.... The dark Marans eggs will be moved out as soon as this week hatch is done. They r like kids u can't just toss the extras lol....I was able to fit 25 plus the 8 already in there it holds the heat better w/ more in there lol one had cracks when I candled so that one didn't go in and I received extras of the Reds so I kept 1 out... Ugh
Red, Chocolate, Harlequin, Red cuckoo and lav orps 8 BCM and 5 lav AM's... Most of the orps are replacements from an EXTREMELY PO scrambled batch. (They don't even count lol) the others were orders of 6 + this time that ended up being 14 eggs not complaining just improvising until my other bator is free...
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I'm hand turning/ elevating alternate sides I planned for around 20 ended up receiving 27.... The dark Marans eggs will be moved out as soon as this week hatch is done. They r like kids u can't just toss the extras lol....I was able to fit 25 plus the 8 already in there it holds the heat better w/ more in there lol one had cracks when I candled so that one didn't go in and I received extras of the Reds so I kept 1 out... Ugh
Red, Chocolate, Harlequin, Red cuckoo and lav orps 8 BCM and 5 lav AM's... Most of the orps are replacements from an EXTREMELY PO scrambled batch. (They don't even count lol) the others were orders of 6 + this time that ended up being 14 eggs not complaining just improvising until my other bator is free...

That is impressive.
Set 7 black copper and splash Marans eggs in a brinsea mini Thursday that should hatch on thanksgiving also had 8 gold laced Orpington eggs that were set in a little giant 9300 that had failed to keep a safe temperature the first try. Added water bottles and let runn for a few weeks and was able to maintain a safe temperature and after adding eggs it spiked high and then after adjusting it went low. Probably not going to hatch is there anything that can be done with this junk or should it be returned.
3 new babies this morning :) two CCL boys (which I was aiming for) and a yellow chick that hatch from a Marans egg so it's either a wheaten or a cross from my wheaten hen. Pictures later.
Today's lockdown so I candled. Another one quit on me, looks like a week ago. I could see it's eye and beak through the shell, but there were no veins and no movement. So I have 12 in lockdown. All 12 are active and look good. I upped the humidity and hopefully I'll have healthy chicks by Thursday.

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