San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

I love my Cayugas... who knew ducklings were so entertaining?

They are beautiful!
I really like ducks and currently have a trio of Pekins and a Rouen duck and Khaki Campbell drake in my back yard. I never tire of looking at their antics. I would like to get some Welsh Harlequins from Holderread too.
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Those goslings are so cute!!!

I have silver pheasants and golden pheasants hatching if anybody is looking for pheasant babies....I only will have the straight run chicks available. I may sell my trio of two year old Silvers if I find the right home for them :)

I also have some extra adult Guineas and soon will have plenty of Guinea eggs.

Three adult peacocks with great color genes available.

The kids sell their fertile d'Uccle, Sebright and Polish eggs....

And the list goes on and on !  :D

Me me me!!! Interested in pheasant babies!!!
Me me me!!! Interested in pheasant babies!!!

Awesome! I would like to sell everything that hatches in the next three weeks. I need to go out of town for a few days and the less little babies for husband and kids to take care of the better! I'm hatching silver and goldens right now and may have Amherst soon.

Also will be looking for an experienced buyer for the Goffins cockatoo chick that I'm hand raising.....And maybe African grey chicks if they hatch in a few days like they are supposed to!
Awesome! I would like to sell everything that hatches in the next three weeks. I need to go out of town for a few days and the less little babies for husband and kids to take care of the better! I'm hatching silver and goldens right now and may have Amherst soon.

Also will be looking for an experienced buyer for the Goffins cockatoo chick that I'm hand raising.....And maybe African grey chicks if they hatch in a few days like they are supposed to!   :)

How much?
yep.... I am devastated..... I am told by others I need to have dogs about to help keep predators at bay.

Both mountain lions and bobcat can go up and over a dog kennel. The only passive solution is hot wire. I don't have kids to worry about getting shocked. I am used to being around it with horse fencing. Believe me The shock causes you to Drop everything and step back convulsively. I was petting my other mare one time over the fence and got shocked in my armpit then it went through my fingers and shocked her. we were standing on damp pasture grass. We both leaped back snorting.

I cant keep a dog up there without me being there. So I am hoping to get back on a three time a week schedual or spend the weekends up there.

Hi Deb,

I'm not telling you what to do, I have my dogs on the property with me. But, a lot of people leave livestock guardian dogs out with livestock for days on end. When they have herds of goats they travel with the goats. My dogs keep everything away (they did tree a bobcat once, that was a mess!). But, everyone has to figure out what works best for them.
They are beautiful!
I really like ducks and currently have a trio of Pekins and a Rouen duck and Khaki Campbell drake in my back yard. I never tire of looking at their antics. I would like to get some Welsh Harlequins from Holderread too.
My Welsh Harlequins came from Holderread last week. I ordered them last year. I had almost forgot about them!! I love ducklings, but my ducks aren't very calm!
Welsh Harlequins are supposed to be more quiet. Are you referring to them. Well you are a lucky lady getting WH. I wonder how you will find them compared to Khaki Campbell. I am not sure if I will wait till next year to order them. Our chickens are keeping us pretty busy right now. I also just received Plymouth Bar Rock hatching eggs from XW Ranch in Nebraska, Good Shepard line.
If I had my property fenced I might think about it. Eighteen acres is alot of space for them to roam. Livestock guardian dogs follow the flock Therefore you have to fence in the flock to keep the dog at home. But even with a guardian dog I feel I need to be there To be a responsible owner.

I spoke to the fellow that runs HUGE herds of goats for weed abatement here in East County. He uses Anatolian/Pyraneese cross guardian dogs. AND electric Goat net to keep the goats contained. He also has a human camping with the whole setup.


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