San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Cross-posted from FB...

Well, I have another girl in the chicken hospital. I went out this morning to let the girls out and my bantam cochin had blood running down her face. It looks like her comb was ripped at the top of her head. Whenever I tried to clean it, spray it with vetrycin (sp?), it would start bleeding again, so I just left it alone. She's in solitary confinement as the other girls won't leave her alone. How long should I keep her separated? And is there anything that should be done for her?

Another one of my girls has abrasions on her beak and it is chipped. Any ideas what these girls are doing to themselves?
Shes probably found something good to eat near a rock or concrete or something. WRT with regard to the hen with the bloody comb. I keep white sugar in my First aid kit. Plain old white sugar is an excellent blood stopper.

I found this out when my toddler son fell with a baby bottle in his mouth. OMG he came up screaming with nothing but blood in his mouth. I thought he had knocked out his two teeth. I called the Doc and got the Doc on call who was from India. She said to check to see if his teeth were there. Then she told me he had probably ripped the place where his upper lip met his gums. Then she told me to pack it with white sugar. Blood stopped immediately. Kidlett was all smiles again... NO MORE WALKING WITH BOTTLES ... that was harder.

Since then i have learned there are quite a few things you can use from the household for your emergency kit. I have a list somewhere. But Many things that can be used on humans can be used on our critters. With a few exceptions. You can give a dog an aspirin but NEVER to a cat. Neosporin yes...

Silkies are here! I have some various colors of bearded silkies that just hatched yesterday. Parent stock came from Norco. Come Visit Willows Acre and take home some silkie babies.

Oh! That is the sweetest picture...
Shes probably found something good to eat near a rock or concrete or something. WRT with regard to the hen with the bloody comb. I keep white sugar in my First aid kit. Plain old white sugar is an excellent blood stopper.

I found this out when my toddler son fell with a baby bottle in his mouth. OMG he came up screaming with nothing but blood in his mouth. I thought he had knocked out his two teeth. I called the Doc and got the Doc on call who was from India. She said to check to see if his teeth were there. Then she told me he had probably ripped the place where his upper lip met his gums. Then she told me to pack it with white sugar. Blood stopped immediately. Kidlett was all smiles again... NO MORE WALKING WITH BOTTLES ... that was harder.

Since then i have learned there are quite a few things you can use from the household for your emergency kit. I have a list somewhere. But Many things that can be used on humans can be used on our critters. With a few exceptions. You can give a dog an aspirin but NEVER to a cat. Neosporin yes...


Thanks deb! My son did exactly the same thing with one of those sports water bottles and ripped his frenulum too. I could not believe how much blood could come out of a little person (he was 2 at the time). I will try the sugar next time I don't have styptic powder handy.

So a question, will putting blue kote (sp?) on the wound make the other girls leave it alone? There is no exposed wound but the black dried blood is what they were going after I think. They are also going after the other girl (Rose Tyler)'s beak abrasion...should I put something on that too?
I haven't had any of those problems in a long time but Blu kote and super glue work wonders. Do they have plenty of room and more than one feed dish?
I haven't had any of those problems in a long time but Blu kote and super glue work wonders. Do they have plenty of room and more than one feed dish?

They have a 4x8 coop with a 4 x 10 attached, fully enclosed run. They have free access to the run at all times (it is secured with 1/2" hardware cloth). When I get back from dropping my son off at school (9ish) I let them out to range in my yard 1200ish SF backyard. I have food/water in the coop and the run and water outside when they are in the yard. I think they have enough space...but am I wrong? (There are 8 of them total; 2 Brahmas, 2 EEs, 2 Welsummers, 1 BO and 1 Bantam Cochin).
No one is laying.
I have 10 hens and I've gotten NO eggs in weeks! The oldest 2 are past their prime and molting seriously; the youngest 2 haven't layed yet although they are certainly old enough to start ... 1 is raising chicks, 2 are bantams, there is another past her prime who lays occasionally ... But the 2 Americaunas have no excuse. I may need to buy eggs for the first time in years.

I keep looking out the window and yelling "LAY SOME EGGS" but that strategy hasn't worked so far.
No one is laying.
I have 10 hens and I've gotten NO eggs in weeks! The oldest 2 are past their prime and molting seriously; the youngest 2 haven't layed yet although they are certainly old enough to start ... 1 is raising chicks, 2 are bantams, there is another past her prime who lays occasionally ... But the 2 Americaunas have no excuse. I may need to buy eggs for the first time in years.

I keep looking out the window and yelling "LAY SOME EGGS" but that strategy hasn't worked so far.
Me either. My coop looks like about three chickens exploded in there. I think its a sign to batten down the hatches for a cold and possibly wet winter.

Good news/bad news here.

GOOD: I have some unexpected new layers. I think it's my Exchequer Leghorns, but it could be the Silver Spangled Hamburgs. Either way, these girls have completely lapped the (much older) Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas in the neighboring pen who will probably choose to not lay until Spring.

BAD: My youngest Black Copper Marans has gone broody. She was the lone Marans not going through a major molt, and now she wants to be a mommy. Ugh. Maybe I'll give her some Olive Egger eggs and see what happens.

I hope everybody had a terrific Thanksgiving!

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