September Hatch-A-Long

Congrats on the chicks hatching!!

I'm on day 16... so excited and nervous... wish time would speed up : ) On day 13 I had 13 shipped Serama eggs going strong. Had a bunch of quitters and 7 clears : ( I am so nervous about the rest that I am forcing myself to keep hands off... I normally candle obsessively. I am just gently turning twice a day... and waiting! I set 6 more eggs from my hen a few days ago and will put them in my other bator when these go into lockdown... only two more days! Humidity has been as low as I can get it... between 25 to 30 % and eggs don't have much air cell.... very hopeful though.

My Frizzle Serama hen has 2 chicks and my other Serama hen just went broody on one egg so I gave her one more. A little bummed to not be getting more eggs but I know she wants chicks! I think in the future I will keep the broodies completely separate since it seems to be contagious!!
My Frizzle Serama hen has 2 chicks and my other Serama hen just went broody on one egg so I gave her one more. A little bummed to not be getting more eggs but I know she wants chicks! I think in the future I will keep the broodies completely separate since it seems to be contagious!!
My daughter wants frizzles BAD. I told her next year... lol
My daughter wants frizzles BAD. I told her next year... lol
The frizzles are pretty cute... in my July hatch I got two little frizzle hens... I named them Ava and Alma

I don't know yet if any of my 5 new babies are frizzled yet, I think only a couple of them were actually from Frizzle's eggs.

Here she is with her with her first baby...

The frizzles are pretty cute... in my July hatch I got two little frizzle hens... I named them Ava and Alma

I don't know yet if any of my 5 new babies are frizzled yet, I think only a couple of them were actually from Frizzle's eggs.

Here she is with her with her first baby...

<--- She was doing this too... lol
<--- She was doing this too... lol

Sorry... I knew I wasn't helping but I couldn't help it. A year is so long... especially for a kid
I wish my kid was chicken crazy, he is the voice of reason around here! I guess someone has to be!
Sorry... I knew I wasn't helping but I couldn't help it. A year is so long... especially for a kid
I wish my kid was chicken crazy, he is the voice of reason around here! I guess someone has to be!

We will probably order eggs or chicks in Jan... Her bday is Feb 15th so I figure we'll get her some for her bday! Besides I want time to find a good source to get them from and figure out colors and stuff. My DH used to be the voice of reason but when he saw me cry over losing a chick yesterday (cocci and more are sick but i'm doing everything possible!) he said he wants to order me more chicks when everyone is healthy again. He has crossed to the dark side... he was looking at chicken pictures and is now saying which ones he wants. LOL
We will probably order eggs or chicks in Jan... Her bday is Feb 15th so I figure we'll get her some for her bday! Besides I want time to find a good source to get them from and figure out colors and stuff. My DH used to be the voice of reason but when he saw me cry over losing a chick yesterday (cocci and more are sick but i'm doing everything possible!) he said he wants to order me more chicks when everyone is healthy again. He has crossed to the dark side... he was looking at chicken pictures and is now saying which ones he wants. LOL
That will be a perfect birthday gift! My serama eggs that are due next week were my birthday present to myself !

I hope your chicks are okay!! It is so scary for babies to get sick! Sending good wishes

Glad your husband is on board the crazy chicken train... there is no stopping you all now

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