Recent content by andertr

  1. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    I sure hope it wasnt because of her. I would have been furious to see her doing that!!! I hope you chewed her a new one!!! Do they wiggle when you watch them closely? I think that would be an easy way to tell if they are still alive.
  2. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    My little fluff balls!!!!! My cat tried to nurse this one, I think she's a little confused!! Lol
  3. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    So now that both chicks have hatched is it fine for me to remove the water dish and cloths I used to raise the humidity so they dry off faster?
  4. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    Both my little chicks made it!!!! The second finally hatched! My daughter and I got to watch!
  5. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    2:30 in the morning and I now have my very first baby chick ever!!!!!!! Now hopefully the other figures its way out before being used as a soccer ball.
  6. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    LOVE IT!!!!!! I don't even know what colors mine will be. The white egg is a leghorn crossed with either an Orpington or barredrock and the brown is suposivly an auracana crossed with Orpington or barredrock. The suspense is killing me!!!!!
  7. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    This waiting is killing me!!!!!! 24 hours after the white one pipped and 12 hours after the brown. HURRY UP ALREADY!!!!!!!! Lol
  8. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    My little guys are taking there sweet time to get out. They are slowly making progress. But the ones membrane looks really thick! Is this normal?
  9. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    Both of my eggs have pipped but both at the wrong end :( silly chicks. Hopefully they make it.
  10. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    One of mine started to pip!!!!! But I'm pretty sure it's at the wrong end, is this ok????
  11. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    Haha I didn't know that! I just thought it was cute how I say something and then they wiggle :) well, I guess I should go have a conversation with my eggs now lol
  12. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    That's a great idea!! Hmm maybe I should try that. My kids are going to think I'm crazy. My daughter is already asking why I'm talking to the eggs hahaha
  13. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    Scratch that last comment!!! Want and looked and they are wiggling!!!!! So neat to see. The wiggle every few seconds and the wiggle more when me or my daughter talk!!!!
  14. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    Day 20 as well! I can't see them wobble or anything. I'm not sure I like this waiting game :) I wonder if everyone is this nervous on their first hatch?
  15. andertr

    Hatch-Along - Setting eggs week of Feb 4th..anyone else?

    I'm so excited I had to set my baby monitor up so I could watch without going in my closet every 15 min lol I still have until Monday but I'm prepared!! :)
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