Recent content by JDXX

  1. JDXX

    Silver Sussex Trio/ Norther California

    Hello there, Silver Sussex are so rare in America, I hope to find someone who wants to keep these guys around.We are cutting back our breeds to concentrate on two,If you are interested in the Silver Sussex make me an offer.
  2. JDXX

    Silver Sussex Trio/ Norther California

    We have a few too many breeds here. I would love to keep them all but just cant. Here is a trio of georgeous Silver Sussex originating from Greenfire Farms. I would consider delivery in Mendocino, Humboldt, Lake and Sonoma counties for a fee. We also have a trio of Sulmtalers and a flock of...
  3. JDXX

    Silver Sussex trio

    We have a few too many breeds here. I would love to keep them all but just cant. Here is a trio of georgeous Silver Sussex originating from Greenfire Farms. I would consider delivery in Mendocino, Humboldt, Lake and Sonoma counties for a fee. We also have a trio of Sulmtalers and a flock of...
  4. JDXX

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    Hi Karen, We are well thank you. Haven't started with the fodder yet unfortunately, seems I can never get caught up. That and I haven't been able to find a local, reasonable source for seed yet. Going to the feed store now so I will try to remember to ask them about it, thanks for reminding me...
  5. JDXX

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    We also have both breeds here, though on a smaller scale than what it sounds like you have. We were lucky enough to hatch a trio of GDW Sulmtalers (I know I shouldn't call them that) from eggs shipped to us from Sunbird Farms before the passed along theirs. They are 3 1/2 months old. Our...
  6. JDXX

    Sex- linked Information

    That one is a roo.
  7. JDXX

    Sex- linked Information

    These four are going to new homes, actually the two lighter ones have already left. I am setting more eggs today, our Cream Legbars are laying like mad. We will probably keep a few from the next hatch. These ones went to members of our local Facebook chicken group so I should be able to get...
  8. JDXX

    Sex- linked Information

    No only four roos. Two of the girls are really light and two are a lot darker but the boys are really dark with definite head spots. Was an exactly even split in that hatch, first time we have had that happen.
  9. JDXX

    Sex- linked Information

    Maybe they will look something like this? Blue Isbar over Cream Legbar = sex linked Blue Ice Cream Bars
  10. JDXX

    California - Northern

    Looks like two girls to me.
  11. JDXX

    California - Northern

    We had one Silver Sussex chick do the same thing. I thought it was so bad I would have to cull. Then like yours, the next day he was fine!!! I think sometimes it takes them a few hours to build up the strength needed to straighten up.
  12. JDXX

    A Bielefelder Thread !

    I will be processing some Bielefelder roo's soon, I will post up the results when I do.
  13. JDXX

    California - Northern

    @Kaylish Thank you, we think they are super cool too!!!! Certainly check with me when you come back over this way, we always have something going on.
  14. JDXX

    California - Northern

    I would sure hope everyone could handle it. You NEED me to send you some to hatch. ;) Thank you. Biggest most important thing that I can recommend after building four similar to this is to make one side open up full width for cleaning. I cant say enough to stress how muck easier this makes...
  15. JDXX

    California - Northern

    The lighter ones are pullets and darker with head spots cockerels. This is per nicalandia here I will for as long as they are here, the pullets are all promised away already. I am trying to decide if I will hatch...
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