Reviews by Peepsicle


Pros: Lays every day, gets along with other chickens, beautiful.
Cons: None.
I have a darling Ameraucana named Lana (after Lana Del Rey). She lays beautiful, creamy green colored eggs every day. The only problem I have with her is that she is skittish, but I'm sure this is just her and not the breed, as we got her at 4 months old and she had not had a lot of human contact. She is now 7 months old and getting friendlier every day!

Barred Rock

Pros: Friendly, good layers.
Cons: None.
I have had two Barred Rocks. One was Lady Lacey (R.I.P.), and one was Speckles. Lacey was a good layer until she became randomly sick at about three years old. Speckles was a rooster, and I had him from a chick until a few months after he started to crow (the neighbors complained). We found a good home for him farther out in the country, but he was sooo friendly. It was probably because I raised him from so young, but he would jump on my lap and fall asleep in my arms. He never attacked me or any of the three hens i had at that time. BTW he was as tall as my knees (I was around 5'2'') and weighed like 16-18 pounds.

Jersey Giant

Super Admin
Pros: Daily layer, friendly.
Cons: Slightly aggressive, (only towards other chickens) probably due to size advantage.
I have a Black/Jersey Giant named Judy. She is HUGE, bigger than my four year old chickens at only seven months. She lays daily (I've gotten several double yolkers from her!). And is it just me, or do these chickens have incredibly soft feathers?! The only problem I've had with her is that she is so big, she picks on some of my smaller chickens, plucking feathers out of their backs. I'm hoping she'll stop doing this once they get the totem pole in order, because they (her and three other new hens of her age) are are still new to my coop.


Pros: Daily layer.
Cons: None.
I have a Speckled Sussex named Patrick (after Patrick Stump, lead singer of Fall Out Boy. Yes, she is a hen.) She lays daily, and is very pretty. Gets along great with the other hens, and is very curious. Always getting into the garden. A little skittish with me, but probably just because she is new to the flock and hasn't had a lot of human contact. Got her at 4 months, is going on 7 now!


Super Admin
Pros: Daily layer, very docile and beautiful!
Cons: None.
I have a Blue Wyandotte named Chanel (that should be self explanatory, the name defiantly suits her!). She lays daily and gets along with the other hens pretty well, except for getting picked on a little, she is so docile. Gorgeous. Great breed to have!
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Super Admin
Pros: Very friendly, great pet.
Cons: None.
Buff Orpingtons are adorable, fluffy chickens who make great pets! I have one named Sunny. Due to an injury, she no longer lays. She used to daily. I consider her more of a cat than a chicken!
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Cons: A little aggressive.
I have a Rhode Island Red named Peep. I've had her for four years, and has basically ever. single. day. since she started. She is definitely the "rooster hen" (we don't have a rooster). She gets along with the other hens as long as they don't challenge her authority. If I irritate her though, she will bite my toes and/or fingers! She's just guarding her flock though.
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