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  1. byfarmer

    Free black runner and khaki 4 weeks NH

    Do you still need a home for the two ducks?
  2. byfarmer

    I think these are Roosters?

    If I am thinking right, these three are Roosters right?
  3. byfarmer

    what shots. do yall give yall goat

    if you want a chuck full of information on goats you should try backyardherds. Definitely a worth while site for any animal information. Good luck. Would love to see pics of your goats and the babies when they get here.
  4. byfarmer

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I to give veggie scraps to my flock, didn't even think about veggie water(nice one). I also collected a few pumpkins, tossed them to my goats and sheep. Chickens also enjoyed since they free range during the day.
  5. byfarmer

    Colder weather not slowing them down much

    Just putting it out there. Vermont weather is definitely getting colder. Here it is Dec. 2nd and my girls are still laying very well. 11 laying hens, 8 eggs per day. 6 Easter eggers won't start laying until spring I believe. Wouldn't be surprised if I go to the coop one morning and find my first...
  6. byfarmer

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Some frugal fencing & a frugal barn. All discarded material for free and pallets for little cost, some of those free as well. Some new nails, however I also went so far as to straighten nails and using those. Frame and roof was an old covered sand box from my work, cost me...
  7. byfarmer

    My new EE's

    updated photos: EE's made it. They are enjoying there first day of free ranging. Un today they had a small run.
  8. byfarmer

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Just started reading this thread. So thought I would chime in. We try to do the once a month shopping for everything including the pet food and farm animal feed. Milk is about the only thing we buy weekly. I use to freeze that to when I had a full house. Now it's down to three of us and we...
  9. byfarmer

    My new EE's

    More up dated photos.
  10. byfarmer

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    I have discovered that I actually have: 2 Leghorns, 2 Golden Comets, 2 Amber Whites and 6 unknown white When my friend got her chicks she neglected to ask what kind they were. Currently, at 19 weeks. I know the first six are laying eggs. I get 8-9 a day. 2 darker shade of brown...
  11. byfarmer

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    at 18 weeks my flock has started giving me a few eggs. My comets(2) lay everyday already. The leghorns(2) I get an egg a day so don't know if it's each one every other day. Nothing from my amuracanna's yet.
  12. byfarmer

    Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

    My 2 Golden Comets just gave me my first eggs!
  13. byfarmer

    My new EE's

    more updated photo's. I am thinking we roo. These aren't the best pictures. sorry.
  14. byfarmer

    My starter flock, Gden leghorns are Matilda & Gerdie: others not named yet.

    Updated pictures of Gerdie & Matilda, two roos: Rocko and Rooster Cocburn. And somewhere in there is: specks, Zelda & Chick-o-lay.
  15. byfarmer

    My new EE's

    updated pictures:
  16. byfarmer

    Person Aggressive Ameraucana Rooster

    He is young, is there a way I can put a stop to this or does he need to go? 17 weeks old. Nobody is mean to these chickens, chasing is not allowed. My other rooster and all my hens are mellow. Once I pick him up he is fine. Settles and I can pet and talk to him. However, he has attacked...
  17. byfarmer

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    We now also have 7 EE's: Coal, Astro, Striker, Beautiful, Princess, Fozzie & Emu. Sorry if I already posted this, but don't think I did.
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