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  1. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    Happy Birthday, Ice!! After reading this about the weight, I decided to go get Wunzie and weigh him. He's my oldest CL @ 14 months old (Nov 3, 2012). .
  2. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    Wouldn't the hens size need to be 'scaled' to the size increase of the rooster? A 9 - 10 lb rooster on a 4 - 5 (or 6) lb hen sounds like a bummer for the hen. He could break her, or seriously hurt her, couldn't he?
  3. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    I DO!! lol Happy New Year, Steen. Happy New Year, EVERYONE! I hope all of our 2014 is a wonderful one!
  4. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    The Middle Farm one doesn't look right to me. White legs. It could be the light reflecting, but her chest looks very pale - gray. She's mighty fluffy, too, which could be for any of dozens of reasons. Seems like CLs are a little 'tighter' in their feathering with a clean look, rather than...
  5. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    I don't think it's just a matter of 'people who don't have cream in their flock'. I doubt we know that much about many of the CLs out there. Mine have gotten better, too btw, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the latest chicks grow up to be like. :D It's going to be years before either...
  6. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    ChicKat told me that we couldn't get 2 varieties admitted at the same time. Then we do one, and within a month or two the other should be completely do-able. It's been done, here in the US, a few times before with various Breeds.
  7. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    Yes, taupe is a silver-gray/brown color. I think we should all work together developing our preferred color, and aim for "Light" and "Dark" versions in the SOP for the Cream Legbar like the Brown Leghorn did when they encountered the same problem we have here. As the brown leghorn was...
  8. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    The other night I found what I hoped might be important, went to copy it and MSN shut down on me.. I haven't been able to find the exact same text (by Punnett). I'm still looking, too! It was talking about feather color and either keeping or discarding certain ones. One color reference to...
  9. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    oops, sorry maybe that doesn't help at all.
  10. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    ...Cream Legbar STANDARD Copied from the Autosexing Annual of 1964, published in Hadleigh, Essex, England, by The Autosexing Breeds Association (founded 1943) -- President, Professor R. C. Punnett, F.R.S. Standard adopted by The Poultry Club May 1958 ***************
  11. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    Hi GaryDean and everyone, Thank you very much for that info!! :D
  12. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    That brings up something I've wondered about. How many sources did GFF purchase the original group of CLs, did the 2nd group come from the same source(s), or new source(s), and the next line and so on until Jill Rees' birds, and did they purchase from multiple sources when they got her birds...
  13. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    Hi Dretd, and fellow chicken people, "We are not changing the type, per se, but modifying the wording to reflect intended meaning British-English to American-English. However I am thinking my mental image of Legbars has been influenced by modern American birds when it really should be...
  14. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    It looks like her bottom is a little wider from being held in the hand. In the picture (#1) below and to the left of that picture the hen isn't so wide across her back end, like it appears while "sitting" in hand. When she's standing on her own, she doesn't resemble a PRock from behind, IMO...
  15. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    Ok thanks KP. I was just wondering. I didn't mean to suggest a pie wedge, just that they aren't really square/rectangular either. I understand there are weight differences, but it just appeared that those might a little 'broad across the beam' for a CL. Maybe not.
  16. TheTropix

    Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

    I don't know, but shouldn't it be somewhere between the larger Plymouth Rock and the Leghorn? Maybe not quite so broad as the Plymouth Rock...not so square.. like a larger breed. The British SOP says " Male: Type: Body wedge shaped, wide at the shoulders and narrowing slightly to root of...
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