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  1. Margot

    Best way to integrate a hen and 1 chick back into the flock?

    I had a boody banty hen that I let sit on 3 eggs. Only 1 hatched. She was up in the top level of the laying boxes (5'), so I moved her and jr. into a smaller cage in the coop in a separart area. (so he would not fall out) He is about a month old now and I'm wondering the best way and time to...
  2. Margot

    Fluid Filled Crop and yellow poo

    Well, nothing I'm doing seems to work. She is slowly going down hill. I can't seem to stop the fluid build up. She eats, but very little. Poops, still yellow, but very little.
  3. Margot

    Today I go to war!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the quick replies! Luke 13V34, I got the joke! My "war" analgy was ment to be humorous too! The home made Sevin Bomb is a great idea.
  4. Margot

    Today I go to war!!!!!!!

    ...natural cures to chemical weapons. My question is once I go in country, between spraying dusting how can I make sure that I don't bring those ******* bugs back into my house? here is my plan of attack. dust each chicken with de and sevin mixture. turn loose 2 free range. When entire...
  5. Margot

    Fluid Filled Crop and yellow poo

    I have a 1 yr old hen that was fine until yesterday. Got home from work and noticed that she was a little slow when I let all the girls out to free range. I noticed some poop on her rear and when I picked her up and flipper her over to check out her bum, a rancid fluid came out of her mouth...
  6. Margot

    Older Hen-droopiness/listlessness, pale combs/wattles, ruffled feathers, huddling or acting chilled,

    I brought her inside the warm house when it first got gold. It just seems each day she has gotten slower and slower. I just went to check her and she has passed away. Sigh.... she is such a sweet little thing. Has always been my little sweetie pie. She will be missed. Thank for your help.
  7. Margot

    Older Hen-droopiness/listlessness, pale combs/wattles, ruffled feathers, huddling or acting chilled,

    I have an older hen that had a hard time with the recent cold snap. I brought her inside the house over a week ago and she has exhibited all the signs in my title. Painfully thin, but does seem to eat and drink. She sits mosst of the day in front of the space heater. She is probably 10 yrs...
  8. Margot

    Plastic Door Guards

    Couldn't you use an old garden hose. Cut to fit then split along it length wise? I use old hose for alot of things around the barn. Margot
  9. Margot

    HELP - Are there any chicken dieseases that can transmit to a dog?

    I have had two chickens sick with something that I'm battling with limited success. The reason for my post is this. One of my dogs, a Chinese Chrested, has had a kidney issue that has his life in danger. We are racking our brain as to what could have prompted this. The vet believes there was...
  10. Margot

    I think my hen has a broken leg

    I have a rooster that broke a leg when he was a young cockrel. Don't know how, just found him unable to walk. He was fine other than could not walk. I put him in a cage, lot of deep bedding and made sue the leg was straight. Thru the winter hs slowly got better and after a couple of months...
  11. Margot

    Nerve damage to leg

    I have a rooster that broke or sprained his leg when he was about a year old. It took months in fact an entire winter of living inside a separate cage in the coop. He was awake lively eating and all around like a normal check in except for the fact he could not walk. Hubby wanted to give him the...
  12. Margot

    cold slow roo in the am.

    I live in Southwest Michigan where the nights are starting to get cooler. Most of my flock is halfway through molting. I have one rooster who has most of the feathers missing on one half of his breast. One day last week I came out to the coop and found him laying on the ground cold shivering and...
  13. Margot

    Hatchery chicks with a Broody Hen

    Good! I will move her out of the general population and just leave her egg with her tomorrow. Then Tuesday make the switch. That little bandy hen wants to me a momma so bad. I just hate taking her eggs. She'll be happy come Tuesday. Plus she can keep them warm. Do you think I will still...
  14. Margot

    Hatchery chicks with a Broody Hen

    I'm getting 6 chicks from in a few days from an larger order at my feed store. I've got everything ready for them and thought....I have a couple of broody hens that are excellent mommas. They sit all day long in the next box's. (I take the eggs) So can I put one of them in with the chicks...
  15. Margot

    Americauna squeaks/purrs with every inhale/exhale

    Bump I have the same things with one of my hens. Any ideas anyone?
  16. Margot

    Hen Squeaks and inhales with mouth open

    Did the Q tip test and no gape. She is little hen, a mix breed is my entire flock of 27. She has not been wormed, nothing in thier water. I have her inside the house in a dog crate. Her eyes are clear, no coughing, weezing, congestion. Everything normal except for the...
  17. Margot

    Hen with distended soft belly

    I had a hen with the exact same thing a year or two ago. I found resources out here in the forum. You should drain the fluid off. Someone said that they did and the hen rebounded, although they would be succeptable to it again. Mine rebounded wonderfully, although she did "bloat" back up...
  18. Margot

    Hen Squeaks and inhales with mouth open

    I have a hen that has started squeaking. Sounds like a kitten meowing. When she breaths in she opens her mouth, but not to exhale. She has clear eyes, energetic, eats, poops just fine. She is a dominant hen, so she still pushes the underlings around. Other than the "squeeks" and mouth...
  19. Margot

    Somethings wrong with my poor rooster. Video of his symptoms. Pls help

    Looks like he found a nice place! Glad to see he is a little better. Margot
  20. Margot

    Got my new auto door in

    Cool. I think I'll have one very soon too. I really like the way you installed it in the double door. Great use of space. Margot
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