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  1. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Happy belated birthdays to Rae and Chicky! Mo, sorry about your poults. Henny, I'm sure it is way too quiet without Screech, but I'm glad you got to have her four years longer than expected. Fishy, I'm sorry you lost Spot. It must be weird for Basil to be the only bichir there. I hope...
  2. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone :love :hugs Have a great rest of your week, everyone.
  3. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    All our service dogs are owner trained. Peach is the only pure breed of the 3, and the only one we got from a breeder, except for LT, but he's the family dog so he just keeps us all safe. The other two service dogs are Chihuahua mixes. One is part Springer Spaniel and the other is part standard...
  4. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I'm job hunting so I can make money to save up. I need to be able to pay for Peach's x-rays and having them read by an orthopedic vet, getting her spayed, getting additional training that I don't know how to do, and a trip to Colorado for her heavy duty work gear. I'm looking at working for...
  5. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Fishy, it's a scent gland. Usually you want to check them monthly unless you have a bun that doesn't keep them somewhat clean on their own. It is recommended that they be cleaned whenever nails are trimmed. Check for how to do it. Clue, happy belated birthday...
  6. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Ok, so 50+ pages later... Nunny, :hugs sorry you lost Merida last month, but great job with the kid! I sure hope she got named Bertrille. Sue, happy very belated birthday. I'm glad you got to FaceTime the grands. Henny, I love the way you have your sitting area. My suggestion would have been...
  7. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    :frow Still here. Just thought I'd let you know. :plbb
  8. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    :frow Wanted to let y'all know we survived the Seattle melt and are none the worse for wear. Lots of fans, swamp coolers, ice and spray bottles were utilized successfully. May have to invest in a window a/c unit if this becomes a regular thing. We're supposed to be in the 80's for a while, which...
  9. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    ...long as she gets certified, well be taking a trip to Colorado in late August 2022 to get her heavy duty gear. Add to that some private training and I'm looking at somewhere around $6k or so Other than that it's been pretty quiet. :hugs for everyone. Hope y'all had a good Father's Day *pokes...
  10. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Hey y'all, just letting ya know I'm still breathing. :hugs
  11. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Hi y'all, I'm still here, just keeping my perpetual mild weather it of conversation cuz :smackis a thing. :oops: School is going ok and I applied for a job so I can save up money for getting Peach spayed, get some private training for mobility assistance and take a 10 day round trip to Colorado...
  12. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

  13. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    DD's and I have all had at least 1 shot, DD#3 has had both. She and DD#2 for Moderns, the other 2 and I got Pfizer. So far nothing major, DD#3 has the achy joints, but she also has the most issues, which is why she got her's first. Peach, her mobility assistance dog in training is doing pretty...
  14. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Hey y'all. Happy belated birthday, Bob, and I'm sorry you lost your hens. Any tracks to give you an idea of what got in? I hope you and Sue had a good evening. Henny, I'm glad your hubby is back, and my condolences for his loss. I get the feeling he lost more than his dad, he lost some more...
  15. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Sorry about your tom, Mo. Hopefully you'll be able to get some new blood for your flock. :hugs I'm back to doing college again, but with a lighter workload so I can try to do better in my statistics class. It also gives me time to catch up here :love
  16. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    @Molpet I'm sorry Noah went downhill so quick, but you gave him the best 4 months that anyone could. He was loved and he loved y'all as well. I'm glad he found you. :hugs School is out for me till Monday. I'm retaking my math class and taking human anatomy and physiology part 2, so I'll have...
  17. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I know it's late, but congratulations on MD Mark III, Rae. :hugs :love
  18. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    Just dropped in to catch up and say hi. :hugs :hugs:hugs
  19. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I know it's a couple days late, @Fishychix but I'm sorry you lost Sadie. :hugs
  20. Anansi

    Official Squatch Watchers

    I'm gonna be nice and keep my 28 F and first snow of the season, a whole half inch so far, quiet, lest I get :smack. :oops: Hope everyone stays warm. :hugs
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