Oh me too, the little champagne table grapes are just really good this year.
I had some black grapes that were crazy good too.
I like them really sweet so I end up trying them all.
And yeah the chicks got the ones that weren't winning any beauty contests.:)
I am a grape of any kind fan. Chickens only get the brown mushy ones here!
Ok, so 50+ pages later...

Nunny, :hugs sorry you lost Merida last month, but great job with the kid! I sure hope she got named Bertrille.

Sue, happy very belated birthday. I'm glad you got to FaceTime the grands.

Henny, I love the way you have your sitting area. My suggestion would have been to put a small fridge there and make a faux wall to hide the door so you could keep drinks out there for summer. Hopefully River didn't find to many chew toys with splinters to keep you busy.

Fishy, if you are good at playing matchmaker, i.e., Google how to breed betas, you will do ok with male and female together. They are picky, even sororities don't always do well together. It also depends on the size of your tank.

Clue, :hugs you're an awesome parent and grandparent, you give your best even when you don't have enough spoons for just you. I'm in awe of how strong you are, and determined. Do you best and make sure they help on days that you don't have as much energy.

Parront, glad DH got home before mayhem let loose on everything.

Mo, so glad the tornadoes stayed away from you, and hopefully that yellow jacket sting is feeling much better.

Rae, the boys are gorgeous, and I truly enjoy your creativity when sharing them with us. I don't show very many pics of family members, even though all are adults. My FB avatar is one of the many animals we've had over the years, as are all of my avatars. I applaud your determination to keep them anonymous, they are definitely worth the effort.

I'll keep our heat advisory/warning out of the melting point discussion, not because we won't be getting hot, but because our "feels like" is so close to the actual that 95 really is 95. We have enough fans, ice and shade that we aren't at risk of cooking, and we don't have the humidity, so not very muggy.

:hugs:hugs:hugsfor everyone.
Ok, so 50+ pages later...

Nunny, :hugs sorry you lost Merida last month, but great job with the kid! I sure hope she got named Bertrille.

Sue, happy very belated birthday. I'm glad you got to FaceTime the grands.

Henny, I love the way you have your sitting area. My suggestion would have been to put a small fridge there and make a faux wall to hide the door so you could keep drinks out there for summer. Hopefully River didn't find to many chew toys with splinters to keep you busy.

Fishy, if you are good at playing matchmaker, i.e., Google how to breed betas, you will do ok with male and female together. They are picky, even sororities don't always do well together. It also depends on the size of your tank.

Clue, :hugs you're an awesome parent and grandparent, you give your best even when you don't have enough spoons for just you. I'm in awe of how strong you are, and determined. Do you best and make sure they help on days that you don't have as much energy.

Parront, glad DH got home before mayhem let loose on everything.

Mo, so glad the tornadoes stayed away from you, and hopefully that yellow jacket sting is feeling much better.

Rae, the boys are gorgeous, and I truly enjoy your creativity when sharing them with us. I don't show very many pics of family members, even though all are adults. My FB avatar is one of the many animals we've had over the years, as are all of my avatars. I applaud your determination to keep them anonymous, they are definitely worth the effort.

I'll keep our heat advisory/warning out of the melting point discussion, not because we won't be getting hot, but because our "feels like" is so close to the actual that 95 really is 95. We have enough fans, ice and shade that we aren't at risk of cooking, and we don't have the humidity, so not very muggy.

:hugs:hugs:hugsfor everyone.

So glad to see you!!

Do your best to not overheat. We are toasty here too. I miss spring!

The tree guys cleaned up really well. I was impressed with the efforts to remove all the debris. I told them not to worry about getting the small stuff behind them he chicken run. You hat section of ground is a bit overgrown with a vining ground cover and wild flowers. It would take days to try and pick it all out or mass damage to try to rake it.

Good morning everyone. :frow

Another hot day here with lots to do. I plan to get as much outside stuff done as I can early to beat the heat.

Wishing everyone a great day.
Good morning everyone :frow

Ok, so 50+ pages later...

Nunny, :hugs sorry you lost Merida last month, but great job with the kid! I sure hope she got named Bertrille.

Sue, happy very belated birthday. I'm glad you got to FaceTime the grands.

Henny, I love the way you have your sitting area. My suggestion would have been to put a small fridge there and make a faux wall to hide the door so you could keep drinks out there for summer. Hopefully River didn't find to many chew toys with splinters to keep you busy.

Fishy, if you are good at playing matchmaker, i.e., Google how to breed betas, you will do ok with male and female together. They are picky, even sororities don't always do well together. It also depends on the size of your tank.

Clue, :hugs you're an awesome parent and grandparent, you give your best even when you don't have enough spoons for just you. I'm in awe of how strong you are, and determined. Do you best and make sure they help on days that you don't have as much energy.

Parront, glad DH got home before mayhem let loose on everything.

Mo, so glad the tornadoes stayed away from you, and hopefully that yellow jacket sting is feeling much better.

Rae, the boys are gorgeous, and I truly enjoy your creativity when sharing them with us. I don't show very many pics of family members, even though all are adults. My FB avatar is one of the many animals we've had over the years, as are all of my avatars. I applaud your determination to keep them anonymous, they are definitely worth the effort.

I'll keep our heat advisory/warning out of the melting point discussion, not because we won't be getting hot, but because our "feels like" is so close to the actual that 95 really is 95. We have enough fans, ice and shade that we aren't at risk of cooking, and we don't have the humidity, so not very muggy.

:hugs:hugs:hugsfor everyone.
Hello Anansi :frow Thanks for the birthday wishes and it was great doing FaceTime with the kids 💖 An added treat was our daughter made a surprise visit with our grandkids for the weekend 😍. It was absolutely amazing !!

So glad to see you!!

Do your best to not overheat. We are toasty here too. I miss spring!

The tree guys cleaned up really well. I was impressed with the efforts to remove all the debris. I told them not to worry about getting the small stuff behind them he chicken run. You hat section of ground is a bit overgrown with a vining ground cover and wild flowers. It would take days to try and pick it all out or mass damage to try to rake it.

Good morning everyone. :frow

Another hot day here with lots to do. I plan to get as much outside stuff done as I can early to beat the heat.

Wishing everyone a great day.
Good morning Henny :frow enjoy your day !
Good morning folks :frow

Ok, so 50+ pages later...

Nunny, :hugs sorry you lost Merida last month, but great job with the kid! I sure hope she got named Bertrille.

Sue, happy very belated birthday. I'm glad you got to FaceTime the grands.

Henny, I love the way you have your sitting area. My suggestion would have been to put a small fridge there and make a faux wall to hide the door so you could keep drinks out there for summer. Hopefully River didn't find to many chew toys with splinters to keep you busy.

Fishy, if you are good at playing matchmaker, i.e., Google how to breed betas, you will do ok with male and female together. They are picky, even sororities don't always do well together. It also depends on the size of your tank.

Clue, :hugs you're an awesome parent and grandparent, you give your best even when you don't have enough spoons for just you. I'm in awe of how strong you are, and determined. Do you best and make sure they help on days that you don't have as much energy.

Parront, glad DH got home before mayhem let loose on everything.

Mo, so glad the tornadoes stayed away from you, and hopefully that yellow jacket sting is feeling much better.

Rae, the boys are gorgeous, and I truly enjoy your creativity when sharing them with us. I don't show very many pics of family members, even though all are adults. My FB avatar is one of the many animals we've had over the years, as are all of my avatars. I applaud your determination to keep them anonymous, they are definitely worth the effort.

I'll keep our heat advisory/warning out of the melting point discussion, not because we won't be getting hot, but because our "feels like" is so close to the actual that 95 really is 95. We have enough fans, ice and shade that we aren't at risk of cooking, and we don't have the humidity, so not very muggy.

:hugs:hugs:hugsfor everyone.
:frow Good morning Anansi, soo nice to see you, have a great day
So glad to see you!!

Do your best to not overheat. We are toasty here too. I miss spring!

The tree guys cleaned up really well. I was impressed with the efforts to remove all the debris. I told them not to worry about getting the small stuff behind them he chicken run. You hat section of ground is a bit overgrown with a vining ground cover and wild flowers. It would take days to try and pick it all out or mass damage to try to rake it.

Good morning everyone. :frow

Another hot day here with lots to do. I plan to get as much outside stuff done as I can early to beat the heat.

Wishing everyone a great day.
:frow Good morning Henny, have a great day
Good morning!
I've got no idea what happened during the night but both roosters were highly inappropriate with my feet this morning.
I didn't even have on my ladybug boots, those harlots are always trouble. :D

Oh that is a raisin of a joke Henny lol!
You mean the raisins? :gig

Sorry couldn't resist. :oops:
Raisins on sweet potato is awesome.
I add a little cinnamon too omg, so good.
I put grapes in cottage cheese. Spoon full of cottage cheese & a grape or two in each bite.

Ever put raisins on a baked sweet potatoe? Cook the tatoe. Split it open raisins & some butter in. Back in for a little.
Ana! Good to hear from you.
Did I miss Fishy wanting to breed betas?
I must have, but I'm an awful reader sometimes.
I faintly remember how to do that, I know the male needs live food to jumpstart his baby making bubble nest.
It has been years though so I'm sure I've forgotten more.:)
Ok, so 50+ pages later...

Nunny, :hugs sorry you lost Merida last month, but great job with the kid! I sure hope she got named Bertrille.

Sue, happy very belated birthday. I'm glad you got to FaceTime the grands.

Henny, I love the way you have your sitting area. My suggestion would have been to put a small fridge there and make a faux wall to hide the door so you could keep drinks out there for summer. Hopefully River didn't find to many chew toys with splinters to keep you busy.

Fishy, if you are good at playing matchmaker, i.e., Google how to breed betas, you will do ok with male and female together. They are picky, even sororities don't always do well together. It also depends on the size of your tank.

Clue, :hugs you're an awesome parent and grandparent, you give your best even when you don't have enough spoons for just you. I'm in awe of how strong you are, and determined. Do you best and make sure they help on days that you don't have as much energy.

Parront, glad DH got home before mayhem let loose on everything.

Mo, so glad the tornadoes stayed away from you, and hopefully that yellow jacket sting is feeling much better.

Rae, the boys are gorgeous, and I truly enjoy your creativity when sharing them with us. I don't show very many pics of family members, even though all are adults. My FB avatar is one of the many animals we've had over the years, as are all of my avatars. I applaud your determination to keep them anonymous, they are definitely worth the effort.

I'll keep our heat advisory/warning out of the melting point discussion, not because we won't be getting hot, but because our "feels like" is so close to the actual that 95 really is 95. We have enough fans, ice and shade that we aren't at risk of cooking, and we don't have the humidity, so not very muggy.

:hugs:hugs:hugsfor everyone.
Hi all
Good to hear from you Anansi 😊

Still hot and humid, storm yesterday morning that wasn't predicted. Blew up and hit in an hour. Not bad here just some wind and 1/2 in rain.. predicted storms last night wasn't anything.

Yellow jacket sting is itchy, raised area the size of my palm. Never had an itchy one. Had a sweat bee up my shorts sting my hip yesterday when I bent over. Didn't know they stung. Not a big deal, just surprised it was a sweat bee.

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