Yikes! I wonder if that could have caught fire? I still have my 4SE and it works well and does still update. Over Christmas time my screen went yellow and I thought it broke. Couldnt get a new one and it didnt get worse. After Christmas, mid January?, it suddenly turned white again. 🤔🤔🤔 was I being coerced into buying a new one?🤔🤔🤔
You might have accidentally turned on night mode, it makes the screen yellow so as not to wake you as much with the white light.
Ah yes, the crazy thing we call life. If it wasnt for those moments we would be very bored!
Hi! Great to see you back!

I just had my third baby 7 weeks ago. Another boy.
You might have accidentally turned on night mode, it makes the screen yellow so as not to wake you as much with the white light.

Hi! Great to see you back!

I just had my third baby 7 weeks ago. Another boy.
I thought so, so I checked all settings and everything was normal. And apparently this phone doesn't even have the blue light filter 🤷🏻‍♀️ My ipad does though.
Good morning everyone. :frow

It rained softly all night. Perhaps enough to water in all those strawberries. :yesss:

The lilacs are starting to bloom and the fruit trees ran very late this year. I am super happy about that. We didn't have snow destroyed blooms and may actually see peaches and apricots this year.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Good morning everyone :frow Have a great Monday

Good morning everyone. :frow

It rained softly all night. Perhaps enough to water in all those strawberries. :yesss:

The lilacs are starting to bloom and the fruit trees ran very late this year. I am super happy about that. We didn't have snow destroyed blooms and may actually see peaches and apricots this year.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Good morning Henny :frowWe have rain today

Good morning everyone.
Good morning Clue :frow
Good morning everybody :frow

I got my extra long bed built :celebrate It was the last thing we did for the day so it didnt get lined :(. Thats okay, I guess. I really hoped to get that done and filled before the rain so I could see how much it settled. My other one settled a few inches.
Little Maggie figured out how to get out if her playpen while we were working and explored the underside of the deck. 🤣

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