Good morning everybody :frow

Sounds like a very busy Monday Henny!

Pretty typical for me actually.

In addition to the coop work I have the 5 dogs (read that as herd of toddlers), laundry, dishes, lunch interruption for hubs, and a 1.5 hour must do trip to Costco....then cook the humans dinner. Yup just another Monday.

Oh and Friday while I was running errands for a WHOLE hour at noon someone called animal control since Tater was doing her "I AM DYING" scream. The report was "animal in extreme distress". They showed up Saturday afternoon, verified all critters are tagged, checked kennel conditions, looked afraid of the big fluffy tater, said they were impressed with the set up and cleanliness then left having made notes. leaving Tater outside at all if I am gone. :rolleyes:
The unpainted floor is the add on. Getting ready to paint that. Not 100% sure I want to tackle scrubbing and painting the walls today.

Supposed to be 83 here today. It's 54 right now which is about the normal high....too hot to me.

I agree the 80°'s and above is just to darn hot.
They just said afternoon rain so maybe I should shove a few seeds in dirt this morning.
I am going to try and get the nest box framed in this morning too.

It gets crazy around here.

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