Hi everyone!

DH and I spent about 3 hours yesterday afternoon getting Thing 1’s bed frame dismantled and moved the bunk bed we set up in our room for Thing 2 into Thing 1’s room. This is now the Boys’ room. Both of the older boys are asleep in the other room. It only took them 30-45 min for them both to fall asleep after I tucked them in. It’s nice not to have to worry about the Milk Drinker waking Thing 2 if he starts crying. There were a couple nights I had to take the Milk Drinker out to the living room to calm him down to keep him from waking Thing 2. I’m currently awake trying to get the Milk Drinker settler back to sleep. This is a photo of what I see in the baby monitor. I love having a video monitor.

Oh, and here is this picture I took for Facebook. My aunt (dad’s sister) has sent a quilt for each of the boys. I had a photo of Thing 2 and Thing 1 on Thing 2’s quilt, so I got a photo of all 3 of them on the Milk Drinker’s quilt.

Hi everyone!

DH and I spent about 3 hours yesterday afternoon getting Thing 1’s bed frame dismantled and moved the bunk bed we set up in our room for Thing 2 into Thing 1’s room. This is now the Boys’ room. Both of the older boys are asleep in the other room. It only took them 30-45 min for them both to fall asleep after I tucked them in. It’s nice not to have to worry about the Milk Drinker waking Thing 2 if he starts crying. There were a couple nights I had to take the Milk Drinker out to the living room to calm him down to keep him from waking Thing 2. I’m currently awake trying to get the Milk Drinker settler back to sleep. This is a photo of what I see in the baby monitor. I love having a video monitor.
View attachment 2603270
Oh, and here is this picture I took for Facebook. My aunt (dad’s sister) has sent a quilt for each of the boys. I had a photo of Thing 2 and Thing 1 on Thing 2’s quilt, so I got a photo of all 3 of them on the Milk Drinker’s quilt.
View attachment 2603280
Glad they accepted the change and went to sleep easy.
Nice quilt
Good morning everyone :frow Have a wonderful Wednesday

Hi everyone!

DH and I spent about 3 hours yesterday afternoon getting Thing 1’s bed frame dismantled and moved the bunk bed we set up in our room for Thing 2 into Thing 1’s room. This is now the Boys’ room. Both of the older boys are asleep in the other room. It only took them 30-45 min for them both to fall asleep after I tucked them in. It’s nice not to have to worry about the Milk Drinker waking Thing 2 if he starts crying. There were a couple nights I had to take the Milk Drinker out to the living room to calm him down to keep him from waking Thing 2. I’m currently awake trying to get the Milk Drinker settler back to sleep. This is a photo of what I see in the baby monitor. I love having a video monitor.
View attachment 2603270
Oh, and here is this picture I took for Facebook. My aunt (dad’s sister) has sent a quilt for each of the boys. I had a photo of Thing 2 and Thing 1 on Thing 2’s quilt, so I got a photo of all 3 of them on the Milk Drinker’s quilt.
View attachment 2603280
Hi Rae :frowGreat win for you and the boys ! Love the quilt and they are getting big :hugs:hugs

Good morning all
Last day of 80 :ya
and back to normal temperature. :celebrate
Too hot for me.
Good morning Mo :frowEnjoy your day

Good morning everyone.

Kids sleeping in their own space is a huge win Rae!

Mid 50-60° here today. I would be totally good with mid 70's as our highs with my he lows only going to 50. That is my year round dream temps range. Yeah not likely here lol.
Good morning Henny :frow enjoy your day
Good morning folks :frow

Good morning all
Last day of 80 :ya
and back to normal temperature. :celebrate
Too hot for me.
:frow Good morning Mo, have a great day
Good morning everyone.

Kids sleeping in their own space is a huge win Rae!

Mid 50-60° here today. I would be totally good with mid 70's as our highs with my he lows only going to 50. That is my year round dream temps range. Yeah not likely here lol.
:frow Good morning Henny, have a great day

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